Mike DaSilva makes some of the finest vintage ukulele replicas. Now he turns to his own vision. He explores the abstract and asymmetrical to make anew. I think he’s made something very beautiful and definitely unique, but the real news here is that this new uke sounds So Good!
Away from the noise of NAMM I realize that this instrument is much more than a new look, it’s an advancement in his voicing. Not overly bassy or super bright, but just right. The beauty in tone matches the boldness in design. Hats off to Mike, well done and it’s an honor to show your work.
I give DaSilva’s new thin body tenor my highest recommendations.
(especially if you like to turn over your uke and watch the waves roll in~ so nice ~ :D)
Here’s the red one that came and went within a day-
When we get ukes like this they go up at The Ukulele Site and don’t last long. Check in there and find rare gems like this!
Comments 9
Wow! Very nice sounding and very pretty too!
Hey, Andrew…can you tell us more about the “thinbody” design? Besides lighter weight, what other qualities make this design a good choice. Great writeup on this DaSilva. Thanks.
Hey Tony, I should have showed more pictures or the radius to the back but it’s quite a bit more extreme than what you normally see. The sound will mostly come off the top but also comes from inside the body out of the soundhole. This thinner body as well as the shape of the back gives a quicker response and more volume as the sound is pointed out of the instrument. I think this design works perfectly with the natural warmth and richness in DaSilva’s instruments.
Beautfiful sound and appearance along with Aaron’s wonderful touch. I would like to know what kind of strings are used on the DaSilva and Covered Bridges ukes. When I see pictures of some of the higher end ukuleles, they do not appear to have the popular Acquila strings. Are they fluorocarbon?
Yes, both are fluorocarbon. I believe these are Worth and the Covered Bridge were Southcoast. Thanks Linda
Mike DaSilva makes incredible ukuleles. I played one last year and couldn’t believe how incredible it sounded and resonated… They are also works of art…so it’s a lovely combination…..
I have custom made arch top tenor. Currently strung w Savarez w low G
Tone is clear but sharp.
Any suggested strings for a warmer mellower tone?
Try the D’addario pro arte. Those are warm and mellow.
The ukuleles are beautiful looking with great sound. I check your site for instruments and reviews but more impressive is your fingerstyle playing. Are these many tunes just tumbling off your fingers without thought or did you learn them somewhere? If you did study them from notes, what was the source?
Thanks, Don West