If you’re registered at TheUkuleleSite.com then you should know about our monthly giveaways and contests. Our winners have been randomly selected a few times. Then we did the ukulele trivia, last month we did a video contest, and this month was a photo contest. A Kamaka was at stake, so it got serious.

Winning Photo-“Ukes make me Happy, Happy, Happy”
In the last week, Janice Denton of Nashville Tennessee pretty much creamed the competition, with over double the votes of any other competitor. I monitored all the entries for double-voting within 24 hours. She won fair and square. Janice clearly worked it. Worked it and networked it and kept going at it every day. She’s such a nice person that many of her friends networked as well to help her out. We’ll be sending Janice a great little Kamaka, and you can bet that she’s gonna love it. A few days ago it was her birthday and she posted this video on her facebook page. She seems like a fun lady. I’m really glad for her.
This contest was decided by votes. The problem with the popular vote is; if you’re not “popular”, you aint gonna win. Doesn’t matter how great your entry is. You have to be the type of person that gets people to do these things for you. Many of us could never win a contest like this, so we decided to pick 10 great images showing skill and creative expression. We award these contestants $100 to their customer account. There were many other’s we wanted to include. Big mahalo to all who participated.
So what do you think could have made this contest better? Share your thoughts and ideas below.
Be part of our ohana! Register at TheUkuleleSite and get involved in our monthly games. The entire HMS crew has a ton of love for the uke community. We want to spread aloha, not with a lei around your neck and Mai Tai in your hand. Aloha as in we truly care about you. We want to use our experience and ability to give you a more musical instrument. We are so glad to earn our living doing something unique that can impact your experience in a positive way. Mahalo to all. A hui ho!
Comments 24
Well, the overall winner got an awesome ukulele. Congratulations. And the photos were great. Each and every one of them! Perhaps that proves that uke players are very creative people.
Thanks Dennis. So true. We could have easily picked a top 50. Uke players are some of the coolest people ever 🙂 Even more proof of that here. I feel bad though, no justice to many with great entries and time consuming promotion. We’re gonna have to go back to random selections for winners. Can’t argue with luck.
I entered the contest and had a great time with it even though I didn’t win anything. I definitely gained a few things though – I learned how to use Facebook and most of my family and coworkers are now convinced that I’m crazy so they basically now leave me alone. More time to spend with my ukes makes me a winner.
Haha, awesome! It’s all in how you look at it.
Great contest! Entered but didn’t win. Lots of competition. Awesome pics from everyone!
Another great contest!
Thanks Andrew!
That was such a great contest. So many good photos that were in there. Hope Janice is enjoying her new uke!! Great contests BTW keep up the great fun.
Great contest! It was a good way to show how much the Uku is embraced by all people regardless of where their from or who they are.
Great idea for a contest. The photos were amazing. Thank you for helping us play better instruments, Ukulele Site!
Great photos everyone! Congratulations on winning such an awesome ukulele.
I must say that Hawaiian Music Supply and Andrew truly ROCK!!! The contest was a blast and my friends really came out to support me. AND, I am also so pleased the Hawaiian Music Supply went the extra mile and awarded $100 to others that had outstanding picture entries!!! I had a BLAST participating by posting Ukulele songs on Facebook every day of the contest (which really took me out of my comfort zone but it was fun).
You guys are a great company and I hope to come visit your store some day. In fact your store might be the one reason that I book a trip to Hawaii. Thanks again for the fun and for the great Ukulele!!
Blessings to you Guys!!!
Thanks Janice. Well played! Keep in touch 🙂
I love the “Will Play for Milk!”
LOVE the photos! Was this a once only contest or do y’all hold a photo contest more than once a year? I don’t have one yet…so I couldn’t participate. Hoping to change that very soon.
We’ll do it again..thx Paul
I somehow missed this “photo” contest…great pics that won. Looking forward to the new contest and getting a lot of points (Love my “Ukelele Site” uke.
The variety of pictures reflects the variety of people who love the uke- People of all ages, all over the world! So happy to be one of ’em!
These photos are awesome! I love taking photos and my fiancé plays the uke. I hope you do this again so I have an excuse to take a few photos and enter 😀 Great job everyone!
OH…..I like Ukulele Spring Most
I really liked how the others also got a prize. Some great photos there!
These pictures are amazing! Great contest!
These are all fantastic!
I have a Lanikai thats starting to look like that Mahalo!
Love this Ukulele Site Aloha!!!!