
9 Tenors under $200

This video review shows 9 of our best selling tenors under $200. I’ll give a short description for each along with a link to our website which gives more details.

This is a “dry” recording, unaltered, just like all of our comparison videos. See more videos from “the Listening Booth” at our Review Section here at TheUkuleleReview.

Luna TT
The tattoo tenor from Luna offers a big sound that makes it a popular choice in the store. Polynesian designs are laser etched into the laminate mahogany top for a unique look at a modest price.

Kala TEM
This model from Kala has the sound of their popular KA-T but with their “exotic” mahogany for a traditional koa type of coloring and figure. A classy black binding frames it off.

Gretsch 9120
This tenor from Gretsch has a rustic look and a beautiful voice. This one has the fattest neck out of all nine (a “meatier” C shape), which some prefer and others don’t. I like it.

Islander MT-4
This is the import laminate mahogany tenor from Kanile’a. It has a deep tone and the Kanile’a nut width 1 1/2″ that some find more comfortable. All the other ones in the demo are 1 3/8″, so this give a little space for chording.

Kala TG
This handsome and affordable tenor features a clean gloss finish and appointments found normally in the higher price range. It has a slender neck and after our setup work plays like a dream.

Cordoba 20TM
This is one of two ukes on demo here that feature a solid wood top. In this case, solid mahogany. The tone is balanced and feel is smooth.

Fender Hau’oli
Classic tenor build with a cool Tele headstock. Slender neck and ready to rock.

Kala PWT
This Kala tenor has a Pacific Walnut laminate body for a striking look.

Kala STG
This is the other model with a solid top, in this case spruce. This newly designed model from Kala is impressive in all ways. Check it and all of these models out at TheUkuleleSite.com for more specs, the best pricing, and most importantly, our custom setup work.

Email subscription is used for new review notification only, join our Ohana here at HMS and TheUkuleleReview.

Phones, iPads, and all computer speakers will compress the sound and hide the differences. To truly hear the sound you must listen with good headphones or good monitors. By listening this way I am confident you will hear differences. Share your opinion and win one of these tenors!
Aloha friends, a hui ho!

Comments 1,075

    1. wow didn’t know they made a Kala TG. I know the Kala SLNG ( soprano Long/neck) and Kala CG (concert) are one of the best sounding ukuleles that rival even more expensive ones.

      1. I loved the islander MT-4. The sound is so smooth and reminds me of Kanilea .the tones are so right

      2. I liked the KalaTG also. Crisp and full sound. But truth be known I liked all of them… Maybe because of the guy who was playing.

    2. As always another line up of Awesome Ukelele’s from Kala ! I would be proud to own one, my other Uke gets lonely.

      1. I really like the Islander I like the crisp sound how the notes are definitely different I like the fretboard the spacing between the strings makes it easier to do cords with big hands
        I think the Islanders are under priced and I think the price will go up as soon as people realize what great quality and what a great sound you get from them!

    3. The Kala PTW is beautiful and has a great sound and seems the best bang for your buck. I was surprised that fender has such a great sounding tenor. I would love to get my hands on any of these. They all sound and look great. Mahalo for sharing this.

    4. All these ukes sound great. I will view and listen to this video several m ore times, but I think that the Gretsch and the Cordoba have the deeper more mellow tone which I like but I also really like the Kala STG. It is hard for me to say. I currently do not own a ukulele but I am shopping and hopefully will have one and will learn to play it soon.

    5. I loved the Kala stg ukulele sound and amazing beautiful spruce wood used to make it, I loved the rich full sound that the instrument also projected. Aloha!

    6. I’ve always liked the Kala Ukes. I have two of their Ukes. I especially like the tone of my Kala Concert Uke. I do like the tone of the Kala STG. Smooth.

    7. Love the sound of the Luna TT! It will be a great companion to my Washburn Oscar Schmidt!

    8. I can’t believe that all of these ukes are under $200. The Luna TT is just beautiful… and so many of the Kala’s sound amazing. I’ve never played a Tenor uke, mine is a concert. Adding one of these to my options of playing would be fantastic.

    9. What a beautiful group of ukuleles, they all sound great. I especially like the sound of the Luna TT.

    10. I really like the fender hau’oli. I think it is beautifully designed & I especially like the head. I also dig the kala tem. I think the wood tones are pretty.

      1. I really like the tone and look of the Gretsch. Old school and sounds like an instrument that has matured over time. Not as bright a sound as the others just sweetness. Hey, October 16th marks 37 years of marriage for my wife and I. Sure would like to serenade her on the Gretsch. 😉 aloha

    11. These are all fantastic bargains for their price range. But based on its solid top and bright tone, I’l vote for the Kala STG. The truth is they’re all gorgeous–and gorgeously played.

    12. Wow. You couldn’t lose with any of these! We’ve all gone a bit uke nuts around here. I have two spruce top Kala tenors that have perfect action, hold their tuning really well, and have that bright tenor sound. I’d buy another in a heartbeat (and probably will one of these days). My son has a Luna concert tattoo that looks as cool as it sounds. And one of the kids I’m teaching at church has an Islander soprano. I’ve never really wanted a soprano, but it’s fun to play and has a gorgeous sound. I’d love to try a tenor.

      I think I’m going to have to put this on a loop and just keep listening.

      1. I have a Kala baritone and it is a favorite of mine. However here, I liked the beautiful tone of the Luna TT and Cordoba 20 TM.

    13. Wow, just love the sound of all of them. Very sweet sounding. Of course great technique as well. I like the Islander best.

    14. That Fender sounded good to me and I like the unusual head. I have biggish fingers and maybe the Gretsch would fit me better. I have an Islander Concert and looooove it, though I am a very slow learner. The ukulele sound is so encouraging. What a lovely instrument. I am so impressed with all the small details that differentiate each one.

    15. The Gretsch has a nice warm tone for the price islander & kala stg are sweet as well.
      Thanks for all the great demos!

    16. Founds like you can’t go wrong with any of them. But I just love the luna TT it looks beautiful in addition to a great sound. The kala stg has a great sound. Love them all!

      1. Thank You.This was a real nice way to hear some mid price tenor.Now my opinion only,to my old haole ears,I prefer the sound of the two solid tops.I was surprised at the nice tone on the Luna.For a laminate,well worth the $.I don’t have any tattoos that would match though.Actually I don’t have any tattoos at all.So maybe that’s not the right uke for me.On second thought if I play down at Prince Kohou Mall here in Hilo,maybe people will think I have cool tattoos.You Never Know.Thanks Again.

    17. I think Cory could make a man hole cover sound sweet. In this price range I might be tempted to go for the Luna just to be different. Listening in person would make the difference.

    18. The Cordoba 20TM was my first Uke and I absolutely love it!! I have others now but I still go back to the Cordoba for it’s great sound and easy action!! A great choice for a first timer or even for an experienced player just to have a great sounding uke that feels great to play!!

    19. I have the Gretsch, but i thing that the KALA STG sounds better.
      Creative video, and also very useful for anyone ho want to by a ukulele,.

    20. The player made them all sound great . The Luna TT , the Kala TEM and the Gretch 9120 , wow what a choice . Love all 3 of them. Have a Kala , maybe the Gretch if had to make the choice. Thanks , Aloha

    21. What a beautiful selection of ukuleles! After listening to your demonstration of these ukuleles I would be hard pressed to select just one that I like the most! Each model has an equally beautiful sound and visual presentation. What a great selection and craftsmanship! Wishing you much success!

    22. The Luna’s have really improved from the a few years back. I remember earlier models that sounded a bit thin, but the Luna TT was right in the mix with a nice mellow sound. How about a review of the best amplified tenor under $250.

    23. All the ukes are sweet and I especially like the luna TT the cordoba 20 TM and the fender Hau’OLI, but if all were on a table — I would pick up the luna TT and and run..Thanks!

    24. I’m rather impressed by the fullness of the Gretsch and the Islander. I’m glad I listened – there are some lovely sounds in this lineup.

    25. I was amazed at how good all of them sounded.
      My particular favorite was the Kala STG.
      Corey sure plays nicely!

      1. All very nice sounding Ukuleles, but I would have to say the Gretsch 9120 is the Uke I would listen to all day

    26. This is a great way to compare ukes! I like the Kala PWT and I would like to get my hands on the Gretsch to see how that neck feels.
      Also the Fender sounds nice and bright to my ear.

    27. Thanks for letting us hear all these amazing tenors. The Luna TT sounds nice and bright. I don’t care for the non traditional look of the fender tuning pegs. The Kala PWT looks and sounds the best to me.

    28. It is amazing how many wonderful ukulele’s are available under $200! Love that Islander MT4. Any of these are a great choice for beginner and experienced player alike. It is great to hear them played side by side.

    29. Thanks for doing the comparison and putting it up.
      Kala PWT looks great and sounds good too.
      The Pono is also a treat.

    30. I love the feel and sound of Kala, especially for the price! But I would be interested in trying out the Islander with the 1 1/2″ nut, and it sounds great ,too. I have a Kala SM Baritone strung as a tenor and it sounds fantastic and is easier for me to play with big hands.

    31. Let’s start by saying that Corey’s skill as a player is indisputable. He makes any instrument sound pretty darn good. I also appreciated the way in which the instruments were compared. The Islander MT-4 with the wider nut and the Gretsch 9120 with the fatter “meatier” C shaped neck intrige me. Both would require a hands on try. I definitely prefer a solid wood top and love the sound of a spruce or cedar top. For those two reasons I would choose the Kala STG. I did consider the Cordoba 20 TM as it also has a solid wood (mahogany) top but I preferred the sound of the Kala STG. There is a lot to consider in these nine well priced instruments. Thank you HMS.

    32. How many ukuleles have some tribal or polynesian designs? There’s only a few and the Luna is a good example with big sound and affordability. With the younger generations into ukulele now is the time to come up with some new designs for the ukuleles. Young people wants something different and not the same old thing. I have a Luna and couldn’t be more happier with it.

    33. Appreciate the Luna TT construction and sound board design. The rich deep resonance and soft tone catches my ear. Like the wider neck for fingering and picking.The finish is stunning and eye catching and boast a quality ukulele.

    34. Just returned from the “Garden Isle” with ukulele sounds still in my head – so wonderful. The Cordoba with solid wood matches the sounds that are so magical and Kauai mellow.

    35. Enjoyed them all, but for my taste, both for exceptional beauty and wonderful tone, is the Gretsch 9120.

    36. These ukes are all cool. I liked the Cordoba and the Fender best because I love the ringing resonance. I thought both the Kalas sounded crispy and tight, and that Luna is gorgeous and very sweet sounding. The Gretsch had some reverberation going on too, like the Fender. You know, like slack-key guitar. Holy crap! I’d love any one of these like a baby.

    37. All of these tenor ukulele’s have a good warm tone. I think the deciding factor would be which look and feel would appeal to you. I really like the look of the Kala TEM.

    38. I really love the luna line. They are gorgeous and have a deep rich tone. I own the peace model and everywhere I take it people want to see and play it.

    39. The Kala ST is my favorite. I have a Kala Ka PDKT, and I love the full tone of their tenors. The “”St” rings like a much more expensive Uke.
      Great promo. Thanks

    40. What a great opportunity to listen to a collection of ukes. It makes it so much easier to catch the subtle differences between each one. I hope you post similar demos for other sizes and price points.
      With this group, there were several with a sweet tone, but I loved the Grestch with its jangley Rickenbacker sound.

    41. I really appreciate all these ukes for different reasons. Each has their own individual voice and presence longing for a good home. My top picks would be the Kala STG for it’s clean looks and sound, Islander MT4, Kala TG, and the Tatted Luna.

    42. I bought my wife a Uke for Christmas last year. The best thing is my 2-year old grandson likes to sing Oh McDonald Had A Farm with Nana on the Uke.

    43. Love the unique sound of the Luna TT and design. Gretsch would be a good addition given the wide neck and sound.

    44. My son has the Islander. It was supposed to be his travel uke. He loves the tone and the neck size. He plays it all the time. It is a great value.

    45. I love the looks and sounds of the ukes. They all are great and workmanship looks excellent. I especially like the sound of the Luna TT. I live In Idaho and have a Kamaka Tenor. Every time I play it people tell me how great the sound is, that’s what the Luna TT reminds me of. Mahalo for sharing and much Aloha
      Ahui Hou

    46. The Luna ll projected a big sound along with brightness and full mellow tones along the neck.
      The instrument responded fully with both finger picking and strumming styles of play. I’d love to
      hear this beautifully Tatoo-designed Uke anytime!
      I also loved the bright light-hearted tone range of the Kala ST. Beautiful and a joy to hear!

    47. This is a very impressive line-up of great-sounding Ukuleles.
      I liked the mellow rich tones of the Luna TT and the bright-happy joyfull
      notes of the Kala ST; both responded in finger picking and strumming styles.
      I thought the Luna sounded more Hawaiian and the Kala more Classic.

    48. What a great group of tenor ukes! My favorites are the Luna TT and the Gretsch. Both have the rich, mellow sound that I really enjoy.

    49. I love the Kala TEM! It is so beautiful and the sound is reflective of the Kala. I would love to win it! It would be a great Birthday present for this Libra. You guys rock!

    50. The Gretsch 9120 had the smoothest tone for me and the sound was very balanced. My second most favorite was the Cordoba 20TM and had a more pronounced attack that would punch out great for soloing with other instruments. I bought a Pono Tenor from Hawaii Music Supply several years ago and I must say that all the instruments I’ve played were all set up perfectly so it was just a matter of finding the instrument that I connected best with when playing.

    51. I listened through all of them 3 times closing my eyes and opening them when I thought, “Wow!” Each time, The Islander came out on top. But the Kalas sounded really close. Great values for all of these!

    52. My favorite is the Fender Hau’oli. I love the sound of it, the narrow neck and the tapered headstock.

    53. The cordoba 20tm for me sounds beautiful and looks great. i could just lie back and drift away. uke can’t believe it for the price!

    54. I’m not a fan of tattoos on humans, but the tats on the LunaTT really makes it a cool instrument of the islands.

    55. The Luna TT and the kala TEM look really nice but sound wise My first pick would be the Cordoba 20TM followed closely by the Islander MT4

  1. That Luna TT is a beautiful piece of work. My cellphone speaker may not do any of these ukes justice, but the subtle clear tone of the Luna stood out to me.

  2. I have an Luna concert tatoo and think that tenor is same quality of sound, that means – GOOD choice under 200$. And i absolutely like Kala PWT for its amazing wood structure. But i think the best of the best is Kala TG. Thanks for you Giveaway

  3. In terms of appearance, the Luna definitely takes the cake followed by the gorgeous grain of the Kala TEM. But I just can’t get over how good the Islander sounds. So rich and the lower spectrum but with that little bit of high end sparkle.

  4. I really am lenient towards the most original looking and sounding tenors there are. The Kala ‘ukulele usually come through, and it think that both the PWT and the TEM have their own character. The PWT has a very clear tone, like a bell, and the TEM has a warmth that the PWT does not have. Clean, and traditional looking ‘ukulele, at the best prices possible.

  5. Great video! I love the sound and look of the Kala STG, Fender Hau’oli, and Kala TEM. I am relatively new to ukulele and this giveaway really got me excited because I don’t own a ukulele yet! Thank you for hosting this Giveaway. You guys are the best!

  6. I really liked the sustain on the Gretsch, but I think the Kala TEM would be my personal choice based off the video. But hey, I’d be happy with any of them.

  7. The Luna TT is beautiful, but I really love the Gretsch. For both visuals and tone, it is my favorite.

  8. The Tele headstock of Fender Hau’oli is interesting. The pacific walnut top is beautiful. Watching the video on my laptop, I think the Cordoba and STG sound better.

  9. I am absolutely in love with the Kala TEM, also the Cordoba that ive never seen before gives me a warm feeling from inside!

  10. I always try to watch these reviews without looking at the video so i’m not influenced by how they look. I like the sound of the Islander the best, it sounds a little fuller in the notes to me.

  11. For me I looove the Kala TG! It has a very unique look, love the borders around it! It has a balanced and bright sound and I think it’s perfect!

  12. I’m just a huge fan of the instruments versatility. I’d love to rock out on the fender Hao’Oli. Mainly because it a stands out from the ones I own. It would make a great addition to the collection! Mahalo to you guys for the giveaway.

  13. Everything has each unique sound and look! But I think the best is the Kala TG! It has such a bright and beautiful sound! I love how it looks like, beautiful and simple design! I’m so excited to whoever is gonna win these ukes! crossed (fingers hoping that i would get one!:))

  14. Love the Fender Hau’oli headstock. Somehow all sound very similar to me. Looking forward to the giveaway

  15. The design on the Luna is absolutely gorgeous! I don’t know if I could shy away from the beautiful sound of the Gretsch or the Islander though…

  16. I really like the sound and looks og the Kala TEM, as well as the PWT!
    They look absolutely stunning!
    However, being madly in love with Kanile’a, their sound and not least the width of the neck makes the Islander equally attractive!
    If it had to come down to one uke, the TEM would probably be the one. At least for me.
    Great giveaway! I really appreciate that it isn’t limited to US only! Thanks 🙂

  17. Great sounds on all of these the Luna is amazing to look at but my ears go insane for that islander!! urghhhh soo greatttt lol

  18. In my personal opinion the “KALA TEM” is my favorite all around. The sound is crisp and refreshing even on the higher frets. The look is fantastic, very classy yet modern. An extremely beautiful instrument

  19. The Grestch sounds the best for me and the Cordoba is very nice too. The Islanders sound stands out the most too.

  20. That Kala spruce top tenor sure is loud and bright! I definitely love the look of that Fender though

  21. I thouroughly enjoyed all of these beautiful ukuleles. Personally, I like the Kala PWT, and the Luna TT more than the others because of the design and color of them body.

  22. They all look and sound fantastic! Personally though, the Kala TEM really stands out to me for its lovely sounds! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  23. All the ukes sound great. My favorites are the Gretsch and the two more “exotic” Kalas (figured maple and walnut).

  24. Warm, resonant tones; gorgeous tats; rich color; the Luna TT is delicious in every way a Ike should be.

  25. I really love them all. They all sound and look great. Especially the Islander and the Luna.

  26. I love how well made the design on the Luna TT looks, but i got to give it up to the Kala TEM has a very nice “pitch” to it

  27. Love them all !! I especially liked the sound of the Islander. Lovely giveaway !! Thanks

    1. All of these ukulele’s could find a place in my house. To me, the Kala PWT looks very good, with middle of the review tones. The Islander Mt-4 is too clean looking, but I like it’s sweet ringing tone the best. My two cents. These other beauties fall in between the Kala PWT, and the Islander Mt-4 for looks and sound, IMHO.

  28. These are all great ukes. I have a first generation Islander MT-4 that I bought without trying based on HMS reviews and Aaron raving about how comfortable it was to play. I’m still in love with it. It feels and sounds great. In this group I also really like the sound of the Gretsch.

  29. So many Kalas there, they share almost the same sound, while respectable but not outstanding. Grestch 9120 sounds great, but too bad it has a fat neck. Luna TT has beautiful decoratives, but I think it’s not the greatest sounding in the group. Islander MT-4 is a bit disappointing coming from the Kani’lea family. Fender Hau’oli sounds great and with a distinctive headstock. For me, my choice and my winner is Cordoba 20TM, completely smittened by it. Guess that solid wood does make a difference, and with Hawaii Music Suppply doing the setup, it’s a dream to have it!

  30. Thank you a lot for this giveaway, currently on a soprano, and i would love to own a tenor to have more fret/space.
    I really love the way the Gretsch 9120 sounds but any of this Ukulele will be awesome. The Luna TT have also a beautiful voice !
    Once again thank you for this event,
    Aloha 😉

  31. All these ukes have great sounds for the cheap price! The one ukulele I thought had the best sound was the Luna!

  32. Love both the Gretsch 9120 and the Kala TEM clear sweet tone. But they all sound good must be the player 🙂

  33. For me, it’s a tie between the Cordoba 20TM and the Kala STG. Good sounding ukuleles. Who’s playing in this video? You’re very good. Mahalo for the video and an opportunity to win an ukulele! AlohaKelleyLima.com

  34. To me, the Cordoba has such a beautiful and nice full sound. It is very full and the highs are so balanced with the lows.

  35. the sounds are all very similar, Cordoba and Fender apart, but the greatest ones are the kala tg and the gretsch!

  36. I’ve been dying to get an Islander for awhile now. The Kala STG has a very nice sound to it and looks amazing. Never played a spruce top before. Islander is definitely the uke I have my eye on though

  37. I really enjoyed the visual difference of the Luna TT, Although they are all fantastic instruments. I would be honoured to own any one of them.

  38. I love the Kala STG best; it’s got great depth and projection without losing that sweetness of tone. The Gretsch and Islander both come a close second though.

  39. can’t descide a best in class. can’t go wrong with any of them. I think the Kala STG is special though.

  40. What a great sounding bunch of Uke’s! My favorite is the KALA TEM, a bit more wide sound and buttom is comming out my speakers! But I like them all anyway!!

  41. They all sound pretty good for uke below 200$ and they all look nice. But the most simple looking one, is the one with the most beautyfull sound, I think.
    The Cordoba has a warm and crispy sound with many overtones. I would like to have one of those. 🙂

  42. Personally I think the “Islander MT-4” has the superior depth and tone quality, while the “Luna TT” has a unique design it lacks in true tone. But overall they are some of the best ukes for that price!

  43. Such amazing instruments! I just love the Islander MT-4 everything about that ukulele is just fantastic! I mean all those ukuleles just warm up my heart(: Especially with Corey Fujimoto playing such an amazing artist! also a major inspiration to keep playing and learning new songs.

  44. The Kala TEM sound crystal clear and bright to me with a little less “wholeness” in it’s voice. Perfect for solo playing, imho.

  45. I love that Islander MT-4. Seriously gorgeous and has the sound to match it. It just stood out for me. It’s a great selection of ukes, all of them sound so unique. The design on the Luna is amazing looking. The Kala TEM is just so full and bright and the mahogany is beautifully figured. There isn’t a ‘best’ one but I’m totally drawn to the Islander.

  46. I really like the Kala TEM. I believe it has the best overall sound yet it still has a nice punch to really cut through a recording. Since I play with the pads of my fingers instead of nails, I need all the punch I can get. The Gretsch probably has the best looks and a pretty close second for overall tone and projection.
    I really enjoy this blog, especially when I send people here that are unsure of what to purchase when buying a new ukulele.


  47. All of that lovely babies sounds Great! But Luna TT and Kala PWT caught my eyes the most! Their Classic design and sound is Perfect! would be a dream come true if I could have either one of them. 🙂 Thank you!

  48. Tried the Cordoba and the Luna when I was looking for my first uke. I ended up getting a Kala.

  49. They all sounded good, but to my ear the Cordoba 20TM was most pleasant to my ear. Thanks for this opportunity!

    1. I’m making sure this comment was incorporated. I don’t believe my WordPress account was registered at the time of this posting. 🙂 Good luck to all who hope to win one of these beauties! Hope I’m one of them!

      “The Kala TEM and STG sound best to me. At least to my personal liking. I’m always looking for a full warmer tone that is not too punchy, but still loud enough to project solid volume. Some of the warmer ukes I’ve seen are associated with a quietness to them. What woods would lend themselves to this type of behavior?”

  50. The Kala TEM and STG sound best to me. At least to my personal liking. I’m always looking for a full warmer tone that is not too punchy, but still loud enough to project solid volume. Some of the warmer ukes I’ve seen are associated with a quietness to them. What woods would lend themselves to this type of behavior?

  51. I bought the Luna Tattoo from HMS, has a winderful loud woody tone, especially nice with Corey’s playing. For the money it’s a steal.

  52. These are very unique ukuleles with great sound. I’ve the Fender Hau’Oli and it’s awesome. I really like the Luna TT.

  53. After a couple of blind listenings, I think I preferred the Gretsch and the Islander, but the all sounded pretty great.

  54. I’ll pick Luna TT based on the look(it also sounds nice!). For the sound only, I’ll pick Islander MT-4 or Gretsch 9120.

  55. I think they all sound great. I’m surprised how nice the Fender sounds. I’d be super happy with any of them 🙂

  56. That Kala PWT looks so cool kind of like a birch wood. That Luna TT design is pretty cool also…I would love to have any of those ukulele’s!!!

  57. I think all of theme sound really nice but I like better three of theme gretsh 9120 islander mt-4 and kalapwt. My opinion is based on sound only, not on the appearance of the instruments.

  58. I think I can safely say that they are all beautiful ukuleles, I love the Luna TT and the Gretsch 9120 particularly 🙂

  59. I would have to say all of these are great beginner ukuleles! What’s even better is they all have a slightly different character to them so you can pick the one that best fits your personality and style.

  60. I liked several. Hard to compare with different characteristics. It’s between the Kala solid spruce top and Islander for reentrant tuning and the Cordoba for low g. Was surprised how good the Fender sounded too. That tattoo is very good, but low on projection.

  61. I love the Luna TT and the Kala TG! The build creates some amazing tones on those ukuleles! Thanks for displaying them all in the video.

  62. I love the Gretsch, sound and looks. I’m going to have to fly out there to try it out, I guess. 🙂 The Kala STG also strikes me as one to get my hands on and try out.

  63. The Islander MT-4 has it’s own unique sound compared to the rest, and one I like a lot. The design and pattern on the Luna TT is very nice. It seems that it has a softer sound. The Kala ST has a very nice and simple, clean cut build. Finally, the Gretsch 9120 and the Fender Hau’oli. Both ukuleles have nice wood colors and a sound that I find very appealing to the ear. These are just my opinions though, please don’t take it seriously if you disagree with me. Hope I win, thanks for the givaway!

  64. My two favorites are the Luna TT and the Cordoba 20TM. The Luna is gorgeous and have a nice warm sound, but the Cordoba has a greater tone/bass, according to me.

  65. Love the sound of the Kala TG. I bought the Soprano version from HMS about a year ago and couldn’t be happier with it. I would love to welcome the Tenor version into the fold!

  66. I really liked the sound of the Luna TT, the Gretsch, the Cordoba and the Kala STG. I’m not a big fan of fat necks so that’s a minus on the Gretsch for me. I have a Cordoba myself, so I’m kinda biased to talk about it haha. Between the TT and the STG I’d go with the STG mainly because of the solid top (also it’d be really good to be able to compare myself the mahogany and the spruce tops). I also liked the sound of the Fender one but, in my opinion, the Tele headstock just doesn’t feel right on a ukulele.
    Anyway, thanks for the giveaway and I gotta say I’m a big fan of your Youtube channel!!

  67. I’ve always liked the looks of the Luna Tattoo Tenor. All of these tenors sound amazing in Corey’s hands.

    1. I would like to play the Luna Tattoo Tenor; it has personality. And the Cordoba 20TM sounds great!

  68. Surprisingly, the Gretch 9120 sounds best to me. I also like the sound of the Cordoba and the two Kala’s. Great video! Thank you.

  69. How would one choose from these beautiful ukuleles? Right away the Luna TT caught my eyes and ears. I have the Luna Concert and when I want to unwind I reach for my Luna. With the warm sound and it’s good looks because of the tattooes this ukulele appeals to me. And, the set-up from Hawaii Music Supply makes any ukulele top of the line.

  70. I love the sound of Gretsch 9120. The strings plays so subtle, mellow yet smooth sounds. it’s beautiful. The Luna TT is great too. The sound is mellow too which is more to my liking. It sounds as great as Gretsch 9120 but Gretsch 9120 have charmed me with it’s notes.

  71. Great great uke comparison as always! Love these videos and love these ukes. I’d LOVE to finally get a tenor, I’ve been dying for one.

  72. the Kala TG and PWT has nice sound . Each has their own personal sound. The Fender Hau’oli has a different look with a good sound to match.

  73. I really like the sound from KALA PWT. It makes me feeling like I was relaxing on the beach.

  74. Awesome! I have played the exotic mahogany one! Amazing uke for less than $200! The pacific walnut one is amazing too. Played it at my local store!!

  75. First of all…Kudos to the player for the excellent music. That must have been fun. After many listens, I think I prefer the Gretsch 9120. Just sounds about right for me. But, really…you can’t go wrong with any of these ukes. Play on

  76. I really like the bright sound of the spruce top uke. The Cordoba has a pretty tone as well. All have a nice tone.

  77. Love the islander. I have played almost all of them and I love how deep the islander sounds. But the cordoba is a great ukulele for a great price

  78. I’ve been dreaming of getting my hands on a kala spruce top, concert or tenor. The tone really pops and sounds great with some blues. Kala’s got some of the best products for a reasonable price for sure!

  79. Such beautiful instruments, warm. clean, crisp, beautiful sounds. Also great playing they really do emphasize the projection of these instruments love them all! I have yet to try out an Ukulele but I really hope I can win one of these gorgeous Ukuleles so I can start learning and playing outside my patio. keep up the good work.

  80. The Gretsch has rich harmonics. The Fender is nicely articulate. However the Kala STG is the best sounding of those here. But hell, Corey makes them all sound wonderful.

  81. I think they all sound very good, but I would say the Gretcsh has the best sound and the Cordoba the best looks.

  82. I want to like the Kala PWT – the walnut is beatiful. But in terms of sound it doesn’t come close to the Gretsch 9120 or the Islander. If I had to choose: Gretsch has an amazing sustain, usually not a ukulele’s strong side – which is good news for an amateur;-) Gretsch it is.

  83. Feel like the best is the Kala STG because of the solid top and the usual quality of Kala. I really love too the choice of top wood that gives the uke its own personality, because the others sounds to me quite the same, except maybe the Fender that sounds too boomy and the Gretsch that’s too fatty. Others that looks remarkable are the Islander, I like its features and it sounds quite good too, and the Kala TEM, striking look!

  84. I do like the Kala’s, especially the TEM, and maybe that’s because I own a Kala tenor already. The Cordoba also jumped out at me, unexpectedly. But I don’t think you could go wrong with any of them.

  85. I want KALA PWT . The colour is nice and the sound is relaxing . I really wish I get one of this ukuleles . I want to become master in playing ukulele 🙂

  86. I really love the look of the Kala PWT but am loving the Gretsch and Islander as well. I’ve been thinking about getting a tenor and this makes me want one even more. Thanks for the videos and the giveaway.

  87. Personally I love the Luna TT. I have a Luna Gypsy guitar and the sound of Luna guitars are very distinct and very rich and full.

  88. I own the Kala PWT and it is a fantastic Ukulele. I Have it set up with a low G. The sound is great. A family member has the Kala TEM and I do not like this one as much. Its sound is a bit sharper and so are the edges, it is not as comfortable to hold. I would love to own the Luna TT or the Fender Hau’oli.

  89. My favorite is probably the KALA TG. It was bright and smooth and that wood is very sexy.

  90. The Gretsch is just way cool! Not a huge contender in the Uke world, but they make fine instruments!

  91. Some beautiful looking and sounding Ukes on that list. My favourite is the Luna TT, followed by the Gretsch. However, I don’t think you could go wrong with any of them.

  92. Wow, they all sound great, but if I had to choose I would take the Cordoba 20 TM for it’s warm, rich sound, or the Luna TT because I love the tattoo. I’d be thrilled to own any of them.

  93. all of these ukuleles are beautiful and all sound nice but my favorites definetely are the Luna TT and Kala STG, the Luna is very eye appealing because of the design on it which is SICK! and the Kala STG just sounds very good and i love the color, different from the others.

  94. I have played the Kala TEM and the Luna I like the sound of the Kala STG. I have yet to play any of the other ukes.

  95. Definitely like the Gretsch sound, but also have been intrigued by spruce tops since doing research for my first ukelele.

  96. Love the look and sound of the Islander. Havent had the pleasure of playing 1 myself but the neck looks wider than most…… which for me is a plus.

  97. I love how the Gretsch 9120 sounds. I love that rustic look even more. I’d love to win one because I learned how to play on my friend’s a couple of months ago and haven’t had the money to buy one for myself. I just overall love the instrument.

  98. To my ear the Kala STG has the best tone with a bell-like quality. The Luna TT and Gretsch are tied for second. However, I would not be disappointed in taking any of these ukuleles home with me or perhaps finding one under the Christmas tree with my name on the gift tag. 🙂

  99. Corey makes every ukulele sound beautiful. I loved the Gretch 9120, its rich resonance is striking.

  100. Man, these ukes compared to my Lanikai sound great. I still like my lanikai but i would love to get a little upgrade.

  101. How about kudos to Corey for his terrific playing and Hawaii Music Supply for the amazing setup of these ukes! I have to say that you guys have ensured that they all sound great! I think for me though, it would have to come down to either the Kala PWT, TEM, or TG. Great job guys!

  102. It would be difficult to pick one above the others. They all have great qualities. I did like the sound of the Gretsch and the Cordoba. I like the looks of the Kala PWT and the Islander. Any of them would be an upgrade for my Makala MK-T, but it has been a great starter ukulele.

  103. Well, I have been thinking about buying another ukulele ^_^ they all sound beautiful and I would be happy to own any of them, although, I really love the design on the Luna Tattoo Tenor. It may be a girl thing to go for something that looks pretty : D

  104. you can never really find any instruments better than these. I love the luna TT. give a nice warm feeling inside

  105. I may just be a beginner with the ukes but coming from an island which listens to a lot of hawaiin songs and island genres, i would say that the kala tg really gives that island sound. Out of the ukes i listened to, it’s gotta be the uke that can deliver the best island sound.

  106. the islander despite having an all laminate sounded best to me and the kala spruce top and gretsch coming in a close second… the kala pacific walnut sounded a little muddy to me and the fender sounded a little too “plain”

  107. Oh my god! i like Kala tenor ukuleles!! Especially the Kala ST. Hear the sound u play, i can feel how playbility it is! And sound best to me and i hope i can be one of the lucky guys!

  108. I have the Luna Tattoo Concert so I love the sound of the Luna TT. After listening to them all, I don’t think you can’t go wrong with any of them. But to my ear, I think it’s a toss-up between the Luna TT, the Kala PWT, the Kala TG, & the Gretsch 9120. Thanks for the post Hawaii Music Supply!

  109. Love the playing, love the ukes. The Gretsch 9120 has to be my favorite. I’d love the chance to try one out.

  110. After listening to them all several times. I really like the sound of the Islander. Although its not as flashy as some of the others.
    I was surprised by now nice the Fender sounded. I didn’t expect it.

  111. Whoa, these ukes are beaut, the kala line is very impressive for the price and the lunar TT is just beautiful, the kala STG sounds amazing though

  112. I love the original look and warm sound of the Luna the best. On the other end of the spectrum, the Gretsch has a wonderfully classic sound and look.

  113. Been playing a concert for a long time now, I’d love to try any of these. They all sound awesome. I like the way the Islander and the Fender looks.

  114. I really enjoyed seeing and hearing all the ukeleles, but to me, the Fender seemed to have a distinctive appearance which wowed me a lot and I was thoroughly impressed with it’s sound as well! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  115. This is a hard choice, thanks to Hawaii Music Supply’s great setup and Corey’s superior playing. I’ve always been a big Kala fan and would be tempted to have another, but that Luna TT really looks and sounds great to me. Gotta go with the Luna…

  116. these are great-sounding tenor ukes. my favorites are the kala stg for its clear & distinct sound and the cordoba 20TH for its big, warm bass. thanks for the nice video & the enticing giveaways.

  117. Wow, this is difficult. I was pleasantly surprised by the Gretsch; I’ve never heard one before. All are lovely; as to sound, I like the sound of the Islander and the Pacific Walnut best; I’d need to flip a coin! Between the two, I love the look of the Pacific Walnut; not as crazy about the look of the Islander.

  118. I’ve been looking at a Pono for the longest; but for its price I feel that purchasing one of these 9 would be the wisest idea as I am anxious to upgrade from my puke green Kala kiwi and am not sure how long I can wait (as a college student) in order to save for a Pono. I’m absolutely in love with the Cordoba. It sounds to me a bit more mellow than the others, and that’s perfectly my taste. I also really enjoy the Fender’s sound but strongly dislike the headstock…

  119. Hi HMS,

    I’ve recently begun investigation into ukuleles and really want to learn to play. Your site has been invaluable to me in learning about the different instruments available and their characteristics. Thank you so much!

    Of the instruments reviewed here — I love them all! I really like the Luna line with the engraved designs. But for sound quality, somehow both the Islander and the Cordoba made me want to sing!

  120. I thought the islander sounded best, but several of the others sounded almost as good and I liked the look of them better. The Kala TEM looks really nice and I love the Luna’s tattooing.

  121. Man that Fender Hau’oli the bass it gave off was beautiful and that fender head on a uke is lovely. Would really love to have it.

  122. I’m so mellowed out after that listening session. 🙂 Loved it. The Kala PWTreally brought me back to vacation and can’t wait til next time!

  123. Thank you for making these videos available to us. They are a great resource when we search for the right ukulele to purchase. I really enjoyed the Islander, Kala TG, and Cordoba. When Corey plays, they all sound great!

  124. I have the concert version of the Luna TT and I love it. One of my buddies also has the Kala TG, and the PWT. They’re both great ukuleles, with great action and tone. I’m liking the Fender Hua’oli, though, because I have a Fender Tele and the classic Tele-style head looks sweet.

  125. I’m just saying I want a free ukulele. However, I really like the sound coming from the Kala TG in the 2nd song.

  126. I’ve tried the Cordoba 20TM, the Kala TEM, and the Kala STG. The Cordoba has a nice ringing, balanced tone, while the TEM sounds really bright to me. But my favourite has got to be the Kala STG 🙂 I think Kala is really stepping up their game at improving the design and quality of their ukes! Oh and as usual, awesome playing Corey!

  127. Do you happen to have any tabs for the 2 songs you’ve played? The cordoba is pretty good, I’ve tried it before! The Luna TT is pretty gorgeous too! xx Anna

  128. All these ukes are beautiful and their sound is impeccable but i think aesthetically the Luna TT is my favorite. 🙂

  129. They all sound amazing! The sound from the Islander is probably my favourite. Such a warm sound.

  130. I was impressed by the Kala STG how it looks and sounds. It just took me away. Saved the best for last!

  131. Listening through my MacBook Pro speakers I felt that the Luna TT had the best projection of sound. All of them sounded great of course, but I think I liked the Luna the best. Great comparison video!

  132. Really love the sound of the Gretsch. The Kala PWT is very appealing visually.
    Thanks for the nice review! Watched it numerous times.

  133. I’ve been in love with Kala’s ukes since I started. I aim to add so many more to my arsenal! You guys helped me with my first one, I enjoyed doing business with you.

  134. A Kala KA-S was my first (and only so far) uke, and it was a great starter instrument after having it set up and replacing the stock strings with aquila. The sound for the price was excellent, and aesthetically simple yet pleasing. The Kala-STG seems to follow the same philosophy and sounds great to me!

  135. I love these comparison videos that HMS does, especially since I live in an area where it’s hard to find a shop that carries this broad of a selection. I came into this thinking that I’d prefer the Islander (since my main uke is an MST-4), but after several listens, my favorites are the Cordoba 20TM and Kala ST.

  136. Love that Luna TT, everything about it reminds me of the islands and I’d be proud to have it

  137. This was just as awesome as always, but I really like to see all of these instruments side by side so directly. Also didn’t know that Gretsch was building Uke. However, I’d rather go with one of the Kalas, most likely the TG. Keep up the great work.

  138. The player makes all of them sound so beautiful that it was simply too hard to choose just one. I had to close my eyes and listen to this vid several times. Now I can tell that the closest to my heart is the sound of Kala ST (my 1st choice) and Luna TT.

  139. i’m playing a kala acacia tenor right now, and absolutely love it. my favorite is the the kala pwt, beautiful wood and great even sound. also big fan of corey’s playing, keep putting out great videos!

  140. Mahalo for the generous giveaway!! Love the Gretsch 9120 tones (but the fat neck is a little difficult for me to hold/play as I have smaller hands). The Luna TT’s Polynesian design is pure eye candy and sounds bright. Love the Islander MT-4 (for it’s deeper tones), Cordoba 20-TM (for it’s solid mahogany), Fender Hau’oli (for it’s signature headstock), and Kala STG (for it’s warmer tones). All 9 ukes are awesome and each has something unique to offer. Great video comparison and mahalo again for the giveaway. 🙂

  141. out of all of these wonderful uke’s .I think I like the KALA TG the most, i really like the warm sound of that one.Difficult to choose tho.

  142. I especially liked the clarity if the Kala STG. I still enjoyed the mellowness of the Gretsch and Luna TT.

  143. I love the sound and looks of the Kala TEM and Luna TT. Both look simply amazing, but any of these would be a fine choice to own!

  144. I like the Gretsch, Cordoba, big fan of Islander, and the Fender intrigues me. I love Kala’s in look and sound but I seriously hate the bridge they use, it is just not one I like at all. Honestly though I would not complain if I won any of them. A uke is fun to play no matter what!!!

  145. The Luna TT is absolutely beautiful sounds and looks with its tribal look and everything.

  146. As a guitar player for 40+ years I lately fell in love with these beautiful small instruments. Every ukulele shown in this comparison video has its own distinctive sound. Most probably I would enjoy playing each of them very much if taken one after the other for a couple of months, ie. getting accustomed to its specific sound.

    While listening to this comparison carfully, two ukes stand out to be my favorites, sound wise: The “Kala TEM” and the “Gretsch 9120”. I love the warmer mids sound as compared to some other models which have a more brilliant sound. This is also true for the “Islander MT-4”, though, but I don’t like the look of the latter as much as on the first mentioned ones.

    As far as the look is concerned, I would probably not buy the “Fender Hau’Oli” because I prefer the classical heads look.

    However, each of these instruments would have the potential to gain my love easily as they sound (and obviously play) so sweet and flawless.

  147. having had kalas in the past, I would love to try the Fendor or the Gretsch. But I’ve looked at the Luna in the past and I’d be really happy to try that one out for size.
    Thanks for the demo- great video showing the different ukes.

  148. I was thinking that with Corey playing they all sound great, then I heard the Cordoba…what a nice clear tone on that one. HMS, my Pono needs a pal!

  149. I like both the Islander and the Cordoba very much. Mahalo for demo-ing these in such a seamless way!

  150. I’m partial to the Islander MT-4, probably because I have a MSC and love its.tone and playability. Put some Living Water strings on the MT-4and I’m sure it would knock your rubbaslippas off !

  151. They all sound great but I like the thin neck of the KALA’s. I bought a KALA SMHT from HMS and it was set up great. My vote goes to the solid Spruce top KALA.
    Love the sound and look.

  152. I own a Kala-CE and it has been great. Would love to get my hands on one of these tenors. The Kala PWT looks gorgeous but the Cordoba 20TM really stands out as well.

  153. The Luna TT and the Cordoba 20 TM sound like the warmest. It is hard to judge action and intonation from the video.

  154. Fabulous instruments and beautifully played. Three stood out for me: the Cordoba, Gretsch 9120 and the Kala STG. I thought the Kala had the most distinctive sound. But if I won, I’d choose the Islander so that I could try out that slightly larger nut! Thanks for posting this great demo.

  155. For me the top two were the Gretsch 9120 and the Cordoba 20TM. They both had punchy bright sounds. They both stood out also in their ease to handle hammer ons and pull offs flawlessly. Out of the two, I would say the Gretsch 9120 had the best sound and sustain. It definitely had the beautiful melodious tone, but what stood out to me was its warmth. It had a smooth warm sound that really appealed to my ears.

  156. The Gretsch has a really nice resonant tone, and seems to cope really well higher up. I like the clarity of the Islander. The fender has an interesting roundness to the sound, but i find it a bit dull, not much brightness. I think the Kala TG has the most classic ‘ukulele’ sound, which is really great, but maybe not so unusual. Great to be able to hear them all on a parallel like this! Thanks!

  157. All of these Ike’s sound wonderful! I would love to give them all a try! The Luna TT looks beautiful.

  158. Wow. Thanks for the great samples to compare. I’d be happy with any of them, but the one I like best is the Kala STG.

  159. This is such a great giveaway, thanks! I love the looks of the Luna, and Corey’s playing is great as always.

  160. I guess I am a sucker for a solid top ukulele. The Kala STG spruce top pops for me visually.
    I was not aware of the Gretsch 9120 wider neck until I read about it in the description. With my large hands I suspect that the wider neck would be ideal for me.
    I am lucky enough to win a ukulele, I won’t have to borrow my wife’s tenor ukulele all the time.

  161. I cannot believe that you can get a solid top tenor ukulele for under $200.
    The solid mahogany top of the Cordoba 20TM is incredible. You have got to be kidding, under $200?.
    The solid spruce top of the Kala STG may not draw the attention of other people but it sure got my attention.
    Why do I like ukuleles so much?

  162. Thank you for having this contest (: I always enjoy an opportunity to speak about the ukulele. As many do I find this instrument an absolute joy to play. There’s nothing like it. Each of the models that you are giving away have their own voice and look. Ukes are like artwork to me. We now have 25 ukes in our elementary school thanks to a grant that the music teacher applied for because he caught the uke fever from me. Love your site and hoping to get a nice second from you soon.

  163. I think that the Luna TT would be a great Ukulele to own. It looks great and sounds wonderful!

  164. This video is by far one of the most helpful things I have seen in purchasing a uke! I think the Islander MT-4 has the best sound – what a great tone and depth. I don’t like how it looks much more plain than some of the others though, so the Kala KA-TG and the Kala TEM really stand out to me when taking into account both looks and sound.

  165. The Cordoba 20TM reminds me of the ukulele that my sister broke over my head as a young girl.
    Wouldn’t it be something if I won this tenor ukulele? I could call my sister and tell her that I won a ukulele from Hawaii Music Supply.
    Then she will know that someone believes in me and wants me to always play and enjoy the ukulele.
    I am glad that Hawaii Music Supply is helping to support the world’s appreciation of the ukulele.
    It sure has been a comfort and blessing to me.
    I miss my first ukulele and the joy it brought me.

  166. The Luna, Gretch, and Cordoba were among my favorites, but they all sound fantastic! Hard to pick the best one!

  167. After carefully listening to a great group of tenors, the Kala STG was the sound I liked most. A nice bright lilt.

  168. The mt4 looks so cool in person, I bought one off the wall! For some reason I can’t make mine sound as nice, operator error is the problem.

  169. Tough choice, they all sound wonderful. The Cordoba and Kala STG seem to have a richer and fuller tone that I like. I also love the sound of the Islander.

  170. I listened to each uke many times over and I am loving the mellow, smooth sounds of the Luna TT and Cordoba 20TM. They would be great to play jazz/bluesy/swing type music on! Thank you for the review and chance to win a uke!

  171. Always like your site, all these ukes sounds great, and the Kala STG caught my eyes.
    And I like Corey’s play.

  172. The Luna TT has caught my ear and eye, but the Gretsch 9120 with its larger neck may better fit my big paws.

  173. The wood of the Kala PWT looks like a very nice finish. I sounds awesome and would be cool to have.

  174. For my money, and this particular demo, I’d choose the Islander MT4 for it’s overall balanced tones and projection. It sure shows it’s parentage.

  175. The Luna TT one is awesome. For me it’s just the purest sound I’ve heard from those 9 ukes. I would be so happy to win it !

  176. OK, let’s note my feelings one uke at a time!

    Luna TT:
    I like the tattoo pattern on the body, but the headstock logo design makes it look tacky or junky to me.
    Sounds good on its own, but when compared to some of the others it’s a little bit lacking and sounds slightly characterless, for some music this could be what you want though.

    Kala TEM:
    Like the Luna, I think the body’s pretty. I also find the headstock to look fine but I don’t think they match up well and it hurts the overall look.
    This has a bit of the character to it that I think of when I think of a more “traditional” Hawaiian sound, almost like the acoustic ukulele version of the “honk” you get with solid mahogany electric guitars.

    Gretsch 9120:
    Looks pleasing to me, every element works together – one of the better looking ukes in the lineup to my eyes. Not dazzling but nice to look at.
    My favourite sounding one out of the 9, the warmest to my ear and closest to a guitar in richness – maybe it’s all in my head because it’s made by Gretsch but to me this is the sound that best matches how I imagine the uke sounding when I’m imagining it in my mind.

    Islander MT-4:
    For the most part, I really dig the looks. The one thing that sticks out to me is the bridge shape – I don’t think it’s in harmony with the rest of the uke and looks tacked on.
    Similarly to the Luna, it sounds nice but slightly dull comparatively.

    Kala TG:
    I really don’t like the look. The headstock needs some sort of decorative binding to visually balance with the body or something. It looks like someone smashed the designs for four different ukes together.
    Another one that doesn’t quite match up to some of the others, maybe a bit above the Luna but without the real character of the Gretsch or TEM.

    Cordoba 20TM:
    Probably my favourite looking one. It has some decoration but it compliments the wood rather than looking like a glued on art project and doesn’t make the headstock look out of place. The headstock logo isn’t cheesy looking either.
    Alongside the Gretsch, this is my favourite sounding model – I think I’d choose this as my No.1 choice out of the 9 based on the video. This is funny because I’ve never heard of Cordoba ukes before!

    Fender Hau’oli:
    A cool idea! Like a shrunken ukified strat – a novelty for sure but it certainly works overall. Not a look I’d choose for myself though.
    The sound is quite nice, above the Luna but below the Gretsch or Cordoba in my opinion.

    Kala PWT:
    This comes close to the cordoba, everything works and the headstock looks close enough to the body – alongside the logo being unobtrusive.
    This one sounds really nice, somewhere between the more guitar-ish sound and the traditional.

    Kala ST:
    The coolest of the Kalas by far. It looks like a baby classical guitar!
    It even has that guitar-like tone I love.

    Top 3:
    1: Cordoba 20TM
    2: Gretsch 9120
    3: Kala ST

    Excellent video. Thanks guys!

    Best Regards,

  177. Oh man, all those Kalas sounded so great, and the body of the TEM looked beautiful. The fender was also one of my favorites.

  178. I was very impressed with these ukes, and so happy that it’s possible to find nice sounding tenors with out breaking the bank. I like them all, and it was hard to pick a favorite, but I did now it down to my top three picks. I liked the Gretsch, Cordoba and Islander the best, but was impressed by all for the price!

  179. The Gretsch tenor really impressed me. It had great projection, tone, and it has a really wonderful voice.

  180. Great ukes from Kala!! love the new walnut and gloss looks and the sound is always up to standard! 🙂 would love to own one to replace my uke I ran over…..:( dont ask how..

  181. The Gretsch and the Kala STG really stood out to me. The others sound good too–are they all strung with Aquilas? Not a fan of the Fender though 🙁

  182. Seeing and hearing these ukes reminds me how far entry level instruments have come. They all are a great improvement on what was available five years ago. That said, I kept coming back to the Gretsch, the Islander and the Kala ST. All sounded sweet with good intonation. One would have to play them in person to get “the one’, but I think I leaned towards the Gretsch for it’s warmth and over-all balance.

  183. Incredible value for the dollar for any one of these, but I love the rope binding on the Cordoba, and you can’t beat the value of buying here for any uke!

  184. My friend own’s a Cordoba 20TM, I must say it sounds so good for the price she paid for.

    Have yet to play the Fender’s but I’ve heard that they’re either hit or misses. Some love it, some absolutely abhor them.

    I think they Gretsch will be a great uke, mainly because Gretsch has had a history of manufacturing ukes. Although this Gretsch being a new company, I’m convinced they will do well!

  185. They all sound great with Corey playing them, but the Gretsch and the Islander sounded the best to me.

  186. This was much harder than I thought! Frankly you’d be happy with any of these fine instruments. My personal fave would have to be the Kala PWT, for richness and overall ‘width’ of sound. The Cordoba 20M has a pleasing mellowness while the Kala STG spruce top also has a nice roundness of tone. Brilliant value all round.

  187. With Cory’s amazingly consistent playing it would be a hard choice among these nine. The Gretch has a lovely sound. Not sure about a thicker neck as I seem to be among those who prefer more slender. I tend toward at least solid top these days and the Cordoba sounds pretty good in that price range. With the solid top I’d always suggest upgrading the humidifier. Well worth it. 🙂

  188. I like the mellow Gretsch tone. The Luna is shockingly bright, but the Kala TEM and PWT are the prettiest.

  189. Great review! I’ve personally owned the Islander MT-4 and the Cordoba 20TM-CE (the acoustic electric version of the 20TM).I can say that the Islander trumps in projection and just richness of sound as compared to my Cordoba. Unfortunately, I had to sell it away. So looking forward to see if my lonely Cordoba could get a friend! 🙂

  190. Some of the instruments were weak or thin in the sound. Others were plain looking or otherwise non-impressive. I am impressed that the Gretsch 9120 seems to combine good looks with good sound.

  191. I was blown away by how great these sounded for the price. I have played a few models from those brands in that price range and was impressed by the feel as well. I would love to win any, but I particularly like the Kala instruments.

  192. I love my Islander Tenor. The sound is amazing and the wider nut makes it easier to play for someone like me with big hands. Also the pegged bridge makes it easy to change out the strings. =)

  193. Beautiful Ukes!

    I own the Kala PWT. It sounds as beautiful as it looks. Would love to add another beauty to my wall!

  194. These tutorials are just one of the reasons I buy from theukulelesite.com. You guys care, and it shows! I puchased the Gretch 9120 about 9 months ago, and love it! Thank you for everything you guys and girls do!

  195. The Islander is awsome. I love the fact that it has the exact same fretboard and dimensions as the Kanile’a.

  196. The Gretsch and Islander are my favorites overall but would love to have them all in my collection!!!

  197. I love the sounds of all of them! But if I had to choose, the Islander MT-4 and Kala ST really caught my attention. The unique colors of the mahogany sort of reminds me of a Macadamia nut. They sound pretty sweet and for $200, that’s a great choice. I never owned a tenor(looking to upgrade soon), but any of these would make my day.

  198. It is wonderful that there are so many great-sounding affordable ukuleles. I would appreciate owning any one of them, but think I liked the sound of the Islander the best.

  199. I love the sound of a tenor ukulele! My first ukulele was a Kala, so I always favor them. The Kala STG is gorgeous inside and out.

  200. I really liked he sound and look of the Gretsch. After that I would go with the Kala TEM and rounding out the top three i would go with the Islander. Wonderful way to do a review.

  201. If I was blind I’d pick the Luna. If I was deaf I’d pick the Gretsch. Since I’m not stupid I’d love to have any of these!

  202. Not a fair comparison when they all have a flawless setup from Hawaii music supply! Think the cordoba sounded the best as was least expecting the amazing sounds that came from it, but to each their own…

  203. There is something about the solid wood top not he cordoba that really rings out for me. That is the pick of the litter for me.

  204. There are so many really good ukuleles in this price range! The Kala STG and the Fender both stood out to me when I listened with my eyes closed. I’ve been really wanting a uke with a solid spruce top, so the Kala STG would be my choice.

  205. I’m finding it hard to tell the difference between the sounds of each of these models from the video. (But it’s always a pleasure to hear that man play!)

    I’ve played the Luna, Kala, Fender and Cordoba brands before and I’d have to say that Kala has to be my favorite. (And my my most frequently used uke is a Kala Golden Acacia/Cedar Topped Tenor) You don’t have to pay a lot to get good quality, intonation and sound unlike a lot of other models. I’m partial to the solid tops because it has a louder sound.

    My least favorite has to be the Luna. Yes they look pretty, but they have a hard time staying in tune and you are mostly paying for the fancy designs. The sound quality really suffers from the cheap, thin woods. More of a display piece than an instrument, if you ask me!

  206. I love the tone of the Kala TEM! I had a chance to play one the last time I visited Hawaii. Very nice ukes!

  207. I really like the finish of the Grestch. I have a cordoba with a honey finish but that dark finish is really nice. Of course that walnut finish on the Kala is tight too.

  208. Of them all, I think I’d take the Islander for the wider nut (I have big hands) but I love the Kala Pacific Walnut Tenor too. I think it’s lovely and has a great sound. Same for the Luna…but honestly, it’s amazing how you can’t really go wrong with any of these at the price point!

  209. Lovely playing as always from this master artist. He can make any uke sound like a $1000 uke. My preference is the Islander as they have really good history. Although it’s a “new” brand it’s sanctioned by the Kanilea group and that pin bridge just makes the strings sing better off the sound board. Yet the newer Kalas are sounding sweet nowadays.

  210. In my case, sounds of all ukes are similar. I think it’s from wonderful play by him.
    Anyway, all ukes have unbelievable sounds even though they are under $200.
    If I have to choose one of them, I want to get KALA TEM. Because I like such pattens of wood.

  211. After looking at and listening to all 9 Ukes, the Kala TG won me over. If I had go do it over I would buy this one

  212. Love the sound of the Kala STG! The Gretsch is such a beautiful color. You have so many lovely instruments it’s hard to pick a favorite!

  213. Having played a guitar most of my 61 years on the face of this earth I was blown away by the quality and clarity of the sound coming from all of the examples. I was also really surprised that makers like Gretsch, Cordoba, and Fender have instruments that seem to hold their own with the traditional hawaiian made examples. I have wanted to learn to play a Uke simply because of the size and the fact that the principals are fundamentally the same as a guitar. Wow was I impressed with them all ! 🙂 Loved the music in the demonstration…..Perfect…..Great Job!

  214. The Gretsch and the Islander sound best to me, with the Kala STG third. The Islander has a beautiful clean sound while the Gretsch is fuller.

  215. These all sound great! Since I need to pick just one, I think the spruce top Kala is the one I’d choose. Aloha!

  216. Had a good listen to these great value Tenors and came up with two which stood out for me. First is the Gretsch 9120, It’s got a real nice tone to it which really stands out with the strum and has the looks to match. Second was the Kala STG another great sound that would not disappoint and a nice shape. If I had to pick I would go for the Gretsch just as it has the look I desire more and my large hands would love the neck size. All these Uke’s look great value for money and with the once over from the shop will sing like an angel.

    Would be more then happy with any of these babes.

  217. I’m always pleasantly surprised at how much punch and tone the Gretsch has. Easily one of my favorite sounding ukes.

  218. The Kala spruce top has a great sound. The Cordoba is beautiful but the tone is a little muddy.

  219. Very interesting comparison. I liked the Kala TEM best with the Gretsch mahog a very close second. Overall, it’s amazing what $200 will buy these day, especially after Hawaii Music Supply does their magic with them! Hmmm, that Kala STM sure has nice clarity and separation….

  220. Aloha:
    You guys have made my 6-string tenor the backbone of our kanikapila with your recommends of Worth strings. Mahalo nui loa!
    For my ear, I would choose the Islander for the tone- at least as it comes through the computer– and the longer nut that gives a little more finger space. 4-string would be a good addition to our group so hoping, hoping!!!
    Aloha no kakou

  221. Amazing what $200 will buy you today. I’d be happy playing any of them, but found myself drawn to the Gretsch.

  222. The sound of the Cordoba 20TM is so full and balance. It just sound Amazing!! Solid mahogany top!! Oh man, I’m in love (^o^)

  223. Well… Great comparisons! They’re all wonderful!
    Visually, it’s hard to beat the Luna TT, and it has a very competitive sound. Very pleasant and clear.
    But, strictly sound-wise? I love the sound of the Kala TEM or Kala STG. They just ring out with an accurate tone above and beyond the others. I would love to play either model. I am a proud owner of a Kala, but really tried to put that aside and listen to each uke blindly – very impressed!


  224. All of these Ukuleles sound beautiful and I would be proud to own any of them. I particularly like the Pala PWT and the Gretsch 9120.

  225. What a beautiful assortment. how to choose? The Cordoba20TM had a mellow tone that I enjoyed but they all sound seriously good.

  226. I have the Luna TT and I love it…and I love these side by side comparisons! I would gladly take home more than one of the others!

  227. All 9 had sounds that were very similar, but I liked the look and sound of the KALA STG best.

  228. All of these ukuleles have a surprisingly similar quality of sound at least with the piece played and with the manner in which they were recorded. For under $200, any of these are a great value with really nice tonal quality. To comment on some individually:
    1. The Luna TT – I absolutely love the polynesian tatoo designs, but the sound of this one may have been slightly flatter or weaker in volume than the other models.
    2. The Kala TEM – Very nice sound with an appealing design.
    3. The Gretsch 9120 – I think this one has a bit more volume from its sound box, both picks and strums were a bit richer than most of the others models. The appearance of this uke in the still image is more attractive than the one used in the video. The one I have seen that a friend owns is more like the still image with a nicer finish than the one in the video. I don’t think I would like the fatter neck either.
    4. Islander MT-4 – Very nice sound, but possibly a bit too much on the soft side with tone.
    5. Kala TG – Very attractive in design, finish and overall appeal and has a very pleasant and rich sound.
    6. Cordoba 20TM – attractive, nice color and design. Its sound seemed well balanced from lows to highs.
    7. Fender Hau’oli – I am not a fan of the electric guitar/fender style headstock on ukuleles, but it certainly has good sound with quality appearance.
    8. Kala PWT – Striking with its different wood grain pattern, a very nice sound with a slightly different quality that I cannot find a word to describe it. I’m sure its tonal difference is a result of the wood being Pacific walnut. I imagine this would have to be heard live to fully appreciate and evaluate any tonal qualities unique to the wood.
    9. Kala STG – This is the only other uke besides the Gretsch that I thought had noticebly more volume or “punch” coming from the sound box. It has a very attractive design combination with the spruce top and dark sides and complimentary headstock and fret board.

    I would be happy to own or play any of these ukes. They all have very nice sound, but it should be noted that the piece that was played was a very pleasant and gentile tune. It would be interesting to hear all these ukes with some hard and heavy strumming and it would also be informative to hear what each one sounded like with a pic up in addition to the open mic recording. The video comparison is about as good as can be done within the limitations of web recordings and presentations, but I am sure that some of the tonal differneces between these 9 models would be more obvious if I were hearing them in mine or your hands within your store. – I really need to try to get to HI sometime! 🙂

  229. My ear says the Gretch is the one. The Luna also sounds good, but the artwork is too busy for me. Can’t do the Fender headstock. The two lighter color Kala’s look/sound good to me. Don’t care for the Cordoba at all.
    Just one guys opinion

  230. I already have a Cordoba so I am partial to its sound, but that Islander sounds great too! I want one. Thanks.

  231. I am a proud owner of a Luna TT from the Ukulele Store and I have had it about ten months now. Not only did they do the prep beautifully, I do love the sound. Easy to play, low action, nice feel on the strings (Aquila – high G tuning). I am a beginning player and the Luna is very forgiving and rewarding – sounding like many of “play along” recordings that use much more expensive ukes. The “tattoo” laser styling is very attractive and holds up well. While this is a composite (plywood) body ukulele, it is strong and rings well (when it doesn’t, it tends to be my fault, not the Luna’s). For the price of a moderate evening out for two you can have a ukulele that will bring you a smile each time you pick it up for years. You won’t be disappointed with the Luna!

    Mahalo (now watch, I will finally win one, and it will be the Luna!),

  232. These are all great tenors for the price. But, I love the bright, clear, full sound of the solid-top ukuleles. Both the Cordoba Solid Mahogany top and the Kala Spruce top stand out from the rest!

  233. What a bunch of nice looking & great sounding ukes serviced by clear & clean playing!
    They all play quite well but the haunting sustain of the Luna TT and the classy look of the last two (Kala PWT & ST) stood out in my humble opinion.

  234. I was struck by how warm the Fender sounded, maybe not as warm as the Luna TT, but definitely not as harsh (in comparison) as I thought it was going to be.

  235. My favorite ukulele out of this selection is the Kala TEM. The mahogany wood used in its construction gives it a beautiful, mellow aftertone.

  236. After viewing all 9 models my conclusions are but not limited to the following : there are only four that made it to my best of the best list they are as follow : ( 1 ) The Gretsch do to the best and clearest sound quality. Gretsch has made this ukulele with perfection due to its superior design and heart felt sound. This is an uke I would be proud to play anywhere at any time. ( 2 ) The Kala Tem . has the best looks of the 9 that were reviewed however the sound quality was basic. The Kala Tem if sound would become more rich in tones would make a good uke better. ( 3 ) The Islander mt-4 – a very nice uke. with great sound and design however to me it looked like just another uke. maybe with some Mother of Pearl design around the sound hole this good looking uke would out shine the rest. and Finally number ( 4 ) the Luna TT great artwork on the fret board and head stock but the tattoo print was rather boring. maybe if the tattoo had some more pazazz to it this uke maybe would of rated higher. As far as the lower 5 ukes keep working on it one day you may become in the top picks.

  237. I am partial to the Kala brand, so the STG seems to be a favorite out of the none selected. I own a Kala Lacewood tenor and love the sound and build quality for the price and HMS does a wonderful job setting these up. A close second choice of mine would be the gretsch for the traditional look and sound and the islander for the wider nut for easier fretting.

  238. Having played a guitar for the majority of my 61 years I was pleasantly surprised at the clarity and voice of each of the demonstrated instruments. I have wanted to learn to play a Ukulele for sometime now as a challenge. Figuring it to be a somewhat smooth transition I was really surprised at the music coming from the demonstration. Wow! I was really impressed. I was also surprised that manufacturers like Gretsch, Cordoba, and Fender actually make instruments that could compete with the Hawaiian made Instruments. The demonstration music was so soothing I taped it and listen to it while I drive. I would be hard pressed to pick a winner they all sound so good. For under $200 it won’t be long before I pick one and begin to make that transition from 6 strings to 4 ! Good job…..Awesome….I’m hooked ! 🙂

  239. The Kala is the prettiest. But I’d like to test the playability of the Gretsch because I’ve always liked their guitars.

  240. I love the Cordoba especially, but it’s tough to watch the video — every time I think I’ve made up my mind, the next one is my favorite 🙂

    Beautiful playing, also — a pleasure to watch/listen!

  241. I have bought the Kala TEM and a luna for my wife and both are sounding great. Out of the 9 Instruments here I’ll have to say my pick is the Cordoba, for sure. I love the sound of my Kala and think it’s probably a close second to the Cordoba.

    Crossing my fingers to win a Cordoba!

    By the way… Great contest/give-a-way!!!

  242. I like the Luna TT over all look and has a great tone. All 9 have good to great tone and are demonstrated very well.

  243. I love the tatoos on the Luna. The brilhant sound of the Islander and the name Gretsch always make me stop and the 9120 has a mellow sound. Kala show his power with a lot number of ukes. And the Cordoba represent the iberian style with feeling in his sound. I really like it. It´s my choice.

  244. Doing it blind, I don’t think I could pick the same on twice. They all sounded lovely, shows you can’t make a bad choice.

  245. No doubt the Luna TT physically looks pleasing to the eye, especially with the striking tattoo pattern and the unusual triangular fret markers! Nice!!!

    When it comes to sound quality, Gretsch 9120 had an illustrious full, compact-like sound to it which is very pleasing to my ears. The Kala STG was powerful too, it’s a close second…!


  246. Nice line up of Tenor Ukes! We own the Gretsch, as well as the Islander MT 4 at our house. Both play really nicely. The Gretsch has a little brighter sound, I think. I also like the sound and look of the Kala Tem in this video. Would love to win one. My husband and son have the 2 mentioned above.

  247. Wow, what a great line up of beautiful looking and sounding ukes! There were a bunch of ukes here that I wouldn’t mind adding to my collection, but I have to say I am really impressed with the Kala line up presented here. I especially loved that Kala STG, the spruce top gives a really bright but complex punch! At once commanding yet subtle. A screamer that delivers a warm and distinctive sound. Again, great choices.

  248. What a great sub-200 lineup! I’ve been really happy with my Kala soprano spruce top, and I like the tone of the one you played in the video. I always gravitated toward Cordoba until I played my Kala (which I got from The Ukulele Site, by the way), but now my Cordoba solid Koa sits in its case while I play my beautiful little spruce soprano.

  249. i really like the sound on the Luna Tattoo uke. the sound coming from it is nice and smooth, with the right choice in strings (D’addrio or Aquila) and it sounded really amazing, the artwork is flat carved and super solid and creative,

    arigatou ^_^

  250. wow!!! love all of them. the best were the kala and the gretsch.my daughter and i play the uke and many other stringed instruments.ukulele’s are a great instrument to add to a music repertoire.they add a color and definition to any style of music.

  251. I Like the Luna the best, but when I hear a uke playing get homesick, I am going to teach my Granddaughter how to play. I live in Washington state now hope to come home soon.

  252. I really liked the sound of my spruce Kala concert (KA-SC) but found the neck to be a bit too slim for my moderately large hands. Great bright sound for a concert with very solid volume though.

  253. Obviously all sound great because your store carries them and sets them up. Something about that Islander sound that was just a touch richer but my choice would be the TEM for the fantastic look it has for the times I can’t be playing it. Art. You guys are the best on the internet by the way.

  254. I had to listen several time as they all sounded beautiful! I can’t believe they’re under $200! I have a tenor Kala, but I can’t remember which model, which I purchased about 3 years ago for $300+/-. At first listen, I was reeeally drawn to the Gretsch and it’s full mellow sound. On the other hand, I was also attracted to the Luna–that laser cut design and the sound are so beautiful!! All in all though, they all sound great and are at an awesome steal for top quality instruments.

  255. I have the soprano Gretsch, and it’s actually a phenomenal little player. For my second uke I definitely want a tenor, and I’ve wanted a Kala (pluse I’m a sucker for figure) so I’m eying that beautiful Kala TEM!

  256. I have a Cordoba 20TM-CE and was glad to see the Cordoba stacked up nicely against the rest. The one that really surprised me was the Gretsch. If I had to choose one though, I would probably get the Kala ST. That said, I know that it would be safe to get any of these as long as it gets the legendary HMS setup. You guys did a fantastic job on my Cordoba!

  257. Wow, I’ve never heard a comparison test before. It was so interesting to here the differences between them all. But, I have to say, the Luna TT was my favourite because it is so pretty – to look at and to listen too 🙂 I look forward to adding it to my collection LOL

  258. Wow, I really liked the sound of all of them, so nahenahe. They all look good AND sound great! I especially liked the Luna TT and the Kala TEM because they look so different from the ‘ukulele I usually see.

  259. The Kalas are an amazing brand of ukulele. They’re very sturdy and convey different kinds of sounds based on the kind of wood and finish they have. Mahogany presents and accentuates the sound when strummed compared to an ukulele made of koa. But that’s open to interpretation as everyone hears something different.

  260. I loved this demo! great selection of Ukes.. I must say I liked the 1st four instruments the best, they had the warmest sound. HOwever the resonance on the Islander is really what convinced me on that one. Islander for me!!

  261. Wow! That really is a tough choice. I’m leaning toward the Cordoba or maybe the Gretsch. All of them sound fantastic and can’t be beat for $200.

  262. My first choice would be the Luna TT, the rich mellow tones won me over. Second choice is really a tie between Kala PWT and the Islander MST4. The Kala PWT sounds fuller, very consistent up and down the fretboard with more depth than any of the other tenor Kalas. I have personally played the Islander before, it has a full, bright and harp like sound, good resonance.

  263. I would be hard pressed to pick from these nice ukes. I have two Kalas and a Gretsch (and a couple of Ponos) and I like them all. I think if I could only pick one, I’d have to go with a Kala from past experience – plus the Gretsch I have is the tenor. They all sound really nice.

  264. Each of these ukes is nice in its way, but to my ear the Luna TT is the best of the bunch, with a rich tone that is nicely balanced from low to high. If I didn’t know better, I’d guess it has a solid top. The Gretsch and Fender are neck-and-neck for a close second place.

  265. I have both a Luna soprano and concert. These ukes sound unbelievable superb. This Luna tenor sounds true to form. The Kala tenor is what my husband plays. Can’t go wrong here either.

  266. I love my Islander MT-4, but, I’d be happy with any of these great instruments. The Kala PWT would be my choice just due to the unique look.

  267. I really like the Kala line of Ukuleles, and have bought my second Kala (a solid Okoume tenor) last year from Hawaii Music Supply, and couldn’t be happier. I’m very impressed with the current line of Kala ukes, and any Uke from Hawaii Music Supply will be the best it possibly can be.

  268. Hard to tell them apart as far as their timbre goes. I was actually surprised when I closed my eyes, that it was the Fender that seemed to have the riches tonesoverall.

  269. First of all, thanks for a very nice recording . And also, thanks to Corey for playing all these ukes. They all sound great! I like the Cordoba and the Gretch, but again, they all sound great to me. For the price of less than $200, you will never go wrong buying any one of these very nice ukuleles. I recommend buying them from the Hawaii Music Supply.

  270. The musician made all of these ukes sound beautiful.
    I thought the Cordoba sounded the best.
    The thicker neck of the Gretsch is intriguing.

  271. I love the look and sound of the Kala TEM. I plan on getting that when I learn to play better and need those extra frets. 🙂

  272. They all sound pretty good. Hopefully I can get one for my brother in law who just started playing. I’m kinda teaching him.

  273. It’s amazing how a very accomplished uke player can make all those instruments sound really nice. I’d be happy with any of them even though my fave is the Kala TG by the way it looks!

  274. Hmm….they all sound really amazing, but I would say it’s a tie between Kala TEM and the Islander. I would say the Kala TEM because it has a more “peaceful” and light vibe, I guess haha if that makes sense.

  275. Great comparison! So many choices. Always been partial to Luna (own one) but like the look and sound of the Gretsch. Also the Fender gets extra points just for the cool headstock.

  276. I believe that every ukulele has its particular sound. There is no better but a personal taste for each type of sound. I’ m in love for this instrument. All models pleased me very much.

  277. Even with my hearing aid in and on, my untrained ears were unable to detect a difference between these tenors. The all sounded very good, but I suspect that the talented player could make any uke sound good. If my name is drawn, I’ll try very hard to distinguish between them in making a choice. I’m probably biased toward one of the Kala ukes, since I am so pleased with my Kala concert thinbody traveling uke.

  278. These look like some great ukes! I’ve played the fender Hau’oli before and found it really hard to put down. Such a wonderful instrument with clean sound and smooth action. I currently play a six string kala tenor, and I’ve been looking for the right four string tenor to own; the Hau’oli is under definite consideration 🙂

  279. While they all sound nice and at first difficult to differentiate, the Islander and the Kala Spruce top had a special sparkle to them.

  280. All of these ukes sound and look so pretty. Tenors are epic, especially kalas. My sister has one ^_^ If you don’t think so uke crazy and i’ll launch an all out uke-clear explosion. The Kala GT is so nice…

  281. As much as I love my Kala Spruce Concert, and was not surprised that I also liked the Kala spruce tenor with its similar “crispness” to the concert version, I was surprised that that the Kala TG, Islander MT-4, and Gretsch 9120 were all equally full sounding yet sharp. A few of the others seemed “muddy”. If I had to pick just one I would probably (if I did not already have the one spruce – otherwise that would be my pick) go for the Gretsch (based on the sound) or the Islander (same reason) but with a slight preference for the Islander (because of the parent company) if I had the extra cash. If strapped I would still be thrilled with the Gretsch, though. I do have a bit of a concern about the necks, without feeling them, since I have lots of experience with several Kalas and always found them to be a good fit for my average-sized hands. With small hands and a small budget I would find the Kala TG a happy choice. P.S., I have bought an “under $200” (it was $199 on sale) ukulele from HMS and have got to say I felt like I was treated with as much personal attention and care as if I had bought a $1,500+- Uke. I’m not surprised that they care enough to promote a price range which is feasible for people wanting to get a great product for a reasonable cost. They are that kind of company.

  282. These all sound so good! I’ve been loving my Kala, but it will be hard to choose when I’m selected! 😉

  283. Love the sound of all of them! The Fender seems to have the sweetest, joyous sound of all of them. I also really enjoy sound and look of the the Kala PWT. The Islander also sounds good as well, I currently play a Kanile’a tenor and it reminded me of the sweet sound it gives.

  284. I’m rather surprised at the good sound quality of all these instruments, especially considering the reasonable price tags.

    1. I fully agree with you. The sound and quality taking into consideration the prices is amazing.

  285. All sounded really good. Favourites were Luna TT, Gretsch 9120, Cordoba20Tm and for the looks Kala PWT. If I had to pick only one it would be hard.

  286. The Cordoba 20TM was my first ukulele, and is still fantastic. Warm and mellow tone from the mahogony top and with HMS’s setup work the intonation is fairly good. The neck is slightly on the slim side for me but that suits some. A great value ukulele.

  287. I really enjoy playing my Gretsch 9120.
    The intonation on the Gretsch is excellent. On mine, I have a ding in on the 10th fret of the G string. So, that D is a little hard to play. However, I regularly play all way to the 12th fret and it sounds clear and clean all the way there.
    In comparison to more expensive ukuleles it is not loud. However, that was a plus for me. In the time that I have owned my Gretsch it has opened up to be a fuller brighter sound. This happened when I started tuning with tuning folks instead of electric tuners. So, I do not know if it is a results of me learning to tune my instrument better of whether is has to do with the wood opening up by using a tuning folk. In either case that instrument has the potential to have these full beautiful bell like tones.
    I live in the Philippines, where we have 6% humidity in the dry season followed immediately with 94% humidity. The change wreaks havoc on all instruments here. So, even though the Gretsch 9120 has a plywood body, I would still recommend using a humidity control system in your case. You are going to love this instrument and of course you are going to want to protect it.
    One of the best experiences about buying this ukulele from Hawaiian Ukulele Supply is that they had a beginner’s package that they offered me. It had a Uke Crazy Case and a book called Play Ukulele Today. I am really thankful to the sales person for directing me to it, because I really enjoyed learning from this book. I had learned a lot from the Internet, but the book filled in a lot of the information that I was missing.
    I tried a low G on the Gretsch and went back to the high G. It sound much better with the high G. This instrument is not meant to play with a low G. If you want a low G tuning buy a more robust instrument. The tuners are not strong enough and the body is not strong enough for the low G string even if you are using Aquila Red strings. The Gretsch really sings with the high G tuning. It is designed for it. With the high G tuning it produces an angelic sound.
    The Gretsch 9120 has a plywood body. The fret makers are painted on. On my Gretsch there are rough spots on the neck where it was not buffed out properly. None of this affects the playability of the instrument. If you want a solid body you are looking for the Gretsch 9120 SM. The SM also has the beautiful inlayed fret markers.

  288. Alright, if I had to pick a favorite, it would be the Kala STG. I just love the contrast of the light spruce on top and the dark mahogany sides and back, not to mention the amazing sound that comes with it.
    The Luna TT comes in second place with the awesome island tattoo design, and mellow sound. The fender would probably be third for me with that classic Telecaster head, it seems like it would be fun to just rock out on.

  289. Corey makes them all sound great! One thing to note about the Islander is that it has a pin style bridge, rather than the tie bridge. Underneath the pin the string has a few knots and a small metal ring that helps to secure the string under the pin (don’t lose the ring when changing strings).

  290. I am a big fan of Kala, both for their playability and their price range. I have tried the Kala TEM and the STG and both are great values. I also love this site!!

  291. The Islander with the wider neck I think will work for me…and it will look nice next to my Pono!

  292. With the current explosion in Ukulele popularity, I would think any beginner would be happy to have any one of these ukes. The clarity of the tone is excellent in all nine. I would have liked to see a picture of the Islander.

  293. What a choice to make! Took me 3X watching the vids to really zero in on specifics. I think the Gretsch and the spruce Kala have my vote.
    I have the Gretsch G9110 and it sounds great. I won’t mind having his bigger brother join in :-).

  294. I enjoyed the video very much and liked all of the ukuleles. You guys do a great job on set up and selection so they sounded phenomenal!

    I benefitted a lot from reading the previous comments. My ear is less discerning (a blessing bc I teach kids and seniors).

    I would be delighted by any of these and particularly liked the look of the Luna and the Kala PWT.

    All but one of my current ukes are Makalas dolphins which I for teaching. I have a single Makalas tenor in blue burst which sounds phenomenal. I got most of them from Mike.

  295. I love the Kala Ukuleles and I think they do a great job of making a quality instrument for an affordable price. I think I’d like to try the Gretsch too! It looks and sounds good.

  296. The beautiful Kala STG is a real joy to behold! She sings effortlessly and showcases her awesome tonal range and high quality solid body. This model is another high pedigree instrument from the good folk at Kala and amazing value. Who could resist?

  297. All 9 models sound great, but if I had to look at one for hours it would be between the Kala models, TEM, PWT & STG.

  298. Wow, I loved them all but specially the Islander has such a sweet tone, overrall I’m blown away how uke’s under 200 sound so good….

  299. Very nice in deed, loved the Islander and the Kalas specially the TEM and PWT. Very nice uke’s for great price.

  300. Sight unseen, I had pegged the Cordoba … as a solid top ranks fairly high in my selection book, and I normally find Spruce a bit too bright for my musical taste when it comes to ukes, preferring the mellower warmth of mahogany which will only improve with age. Cordoba has been doing a nice job with their acoustic instruments for the past ~decade & a half at their particular price point as well, hence my double checked favoritism prior to watching (well, listening more than viewing..) the video.

    The video definitely pulled me toward the other solid topped (spruce..) Kala STG. In addition to my preference in it’s sound, I am a GIANT fan of Mike Upton and what he’s accomplished for the Ukulele at the lower mid-range price-point. I think Mike provides one of the best dealer/customer support programs of all the manufacturers, particularly in Kala’s price range, which simply seals the deal for moi!

    I, quite uncharacteristically I might add, pick the Kala STG as my #1 choice for favorite uke in the sub-$200 range. 🙂

  301. For the price range, most of them sound pretty good. I think I’m leaning towards one of the Kala – I like the sound of the PWT, TEM and STG. I also prefer thinner narrower necks over fat necks. As for looks – the Luna is nice, but I like the wood grain of some of the Kala better – especially the PWT & TEM.

  302. Looks: Luna TT, Kala TEM, Kala TG, Fender and Kala STG.
    Sound: Kala TEM, Kala TG, Fender, Kala STG, Cordoba OK.
    Articulation: Gretsch, Kala TG, Fender, Kala PWT, Kala STG.
    Value for money: Cordoba, Kala STG.
    Overall: Kala STG.

  303. I own a Kala ST. The solid top provides a bright tone and loads of volume without being too boomy or overpowering. The quality of the wood, the construction and hardware are all top shelf. This model sounds great in low G for jazz and even classical arrangements.

  304. These ukuleles all sounded great to me, but when I closed my eyes and really listened, three stood out from the crowd: the Luna TT, the Cordoba 20TM and the Gretsch 9120. The tone was singing out soft and clear (well done to the musician!) like a waterfall. If I had to go for only one, it would be the Gretsch 9120, because it looks so beautiful as well, like it came from the same forest as the waterfall.

  305. All lovely ukes, the gretsch looks especoially classy to me but I’m a fan of kala in these price ranges. The PWT looks gorgeous, as does the TEM. I prefer the bright sound of spruce though so the STG would probably be my preference. In any event, whichever uke I were to buy, I’d buy it at HMS, when I bought my Pono RTSH5 from them, the service was second to none and woth their set-up, it not only sounded great, but played like butter right out of its HSC!!! Thanks guys

    1. Post
  306. I liked the Gretsch and Kala STG the best for both tone and appearance. Both seemed to have a much warmer tone than the rest. I’d have to give the edge to the Gretsch.

  307. Nice to know that there are great sounding ukuleles at that price point. Nice playing by braddah Corey as always! Aloha

  308. So many choices, so little time (and money). My top three for looks are the Luna, Kala TEM and the Kala STG. For sound the Luna, Gretch, Cordoba and the Kala STG. Yeah I know that’s four not three but what can I say, the ears don’t lie. And, even though I list the Luna and the STG for both looks and sound, I’m thinking the Gretch is the overall best based on it’s sound alone.

  309. Wow . They all look and sound great to me . I don`t think you would be disappointed with any of these . BUT if I had to make a choice I think it would be the CORDOBA , tops for me, by a narrow margin over the KALA TG .

  310. I have a Kala tenor and I think it is great sounding and durable. However, I really like the Luna with the markings. Somehow it gives the feel of a real Hawaiian uke. The others are nice too – it’s comes down to preferences about looks not just sound. It’s fun going through all the selections and seeing how nice they are.

  311. Wow, what a collection of really good-sounding bargain ukes! Some sounded richer and fuller than others, but they all sounded great. I’d be happy to have any of these in my stable.

  312. The gretsch sounded beautiful but I am very intrigued by the looks of the Fender, which also had a lovely sound. Certainly an impressive collection!

  313. The great thing Bout ukuleles is that you don’t have to spend lot of money to get a great sound. I would take any one of these.

  314. First of all, nice playing and a great way to showcase the various models. Very well done. I’m glad to see mid-range instruments get such thoughtful coverage. You should post the tab of that piece, too!

    What I found surprising was the Luna. I would not have thought the engraving had a muting effect but it seems not. Thanks for opening my eyes (and ears) to that brand. I was also impressed by the Cordoba – another brand I haven’t found in any stores here.

    Assuming they all have the same strings, the first two seemed somewhat richer and louder. Would like to know a few more details – type of material in the saddle and the wood of the bridge. The differences between most are subtle, but after listening several times, I can hear them. The Kala spruce top – which I had in the past – is crisp and clear as befits that wood.

    As a tenor player, I would be pleased to have any of these instruments in my collection. Cheers!

  315. Truth is they all sound great to me! Given a choice I would pick the Luna TT or Cordoba 20TM. Nice job of playing in a way that we can compare the tone, brightness and overall sound accurately.

  316. I am a proud owner of the Islander MT-4, and it is definitely my go-to uke. The sound is crisp, clean and loud, and the playability is excellent. For the price range, it would be hard to find a better tenor uke. I also have experience with playing both Kala and Luna ukuleles, and I don’t think you could go wrong with either of these as well. However, I would buy another Islander in a heartbeat!

  317. I let the video play in the background a couple times and there were very few stand out sounding ukes. They are all great buys for the money so choose one that looks good to you! It’s an expression of you, and you will want to play a gorgeous instrument.

  318. First up, excellent video, must have taken ages so its very much appreciated. Now then the Kala PWT. I thought it might have meant ‘Pretty Wicked Tenor’. Apprently it’s made of pacific walnuts. The sound was so muggy the walnuts have not dried out yet:-) On the plus side it comes with a nice picture of a man in a plaid shirt…I belive the Luna to have the better tone of the the lot, I am little put off by the Tatoo. I think the tatoo is something they could say ta ta too:-) The compromise would be the Fender as I am a Telecaster fan and there was not between the tone in all of them. Did I say nice video..no? Well nice video then. If I did say nice video let me say it again…err..nice video:-)

  319. Thanks for doing these reviews. I thought the kala sounded nice, and I was surprised to see a Gretche uke..


  320. What a steal! Hard to believe they’re all under $200. Im torn between the Islander and the Luna. I think that the design of the Luna gives it a little edge for me. Luna it is!

  321. Corey had once again proved to us, a great player can make any uke sound beautiful. Among all 9, I like the Gretsch and the Kala STG most.

  322. They all sound great! What impresses me the most is how in tune they play. That is a testament to the quality of work done on the setups. Keep on uking!

  323. I have definitely come to appreciate the tonal qualities of solid top versus laminate. That Kala-STG is pretty amazing to hear and see.

  324. I think Kala’s pretty much have the same sound. My first ukulele was a Kala tenor. The Fender Hau’oli is an interesting design. It sounded bright and beautiful with deep tones. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the Luna TT. To me, it sounded more muted. I can’t comment much on the Gretch 9120. The tone reminds me of the Luna TT. Maybe my headphones needs to be updated. Overall, the three that stands out most to me are the Cordoba 20TM. It has a deeper sound than the rest of the tenor ukuleles. The Kala PWT has a very nice and clear sound over all of the other Kalas played in the video and the Fender Hau’oli because of it’s unique design and great sound.

  325. I really like the bright tones of the Islander, very crisp. But to my ears, the warm tone of the Gretsch is really appealing as well. All 9 of these ukuleles sound wonderful, and the tones they produce are amazing given the price point.

  326. I bought Kala TEM (exotic mahogany) from the Ukulele Site a couple of years ago and have been loving it ever since. Although I’ve recently bought KoAloha Soprano Koa Uke, the Kala TEM still gets a fair amount of playing. The action is low, no intonation problems whatsoever, the sound is suprisingly loud and clear considering it’s not a solid wood instrument. Also the looks are spot on.

  327. I already own a solid top Kala, and ideally I would like to try something new in my next Uke – but WOW – the KALA STG really sings! The player in this video makes them all sound great, but that solid top tone really sounds sweet to me. If I get chosen, I will have a tricky choice to make.

  328. From the video, I like what I hear with the Islander, Cordoba T20 and the Kala STG best of all. The Kala has a big bright sound with the spruce top, that also has a fullness. The Cordba is more mellow in tone and I really like the sound hole treatment. The Islander also has a very bell like tone and a wider neck which I prefer. The rest are nice. If it were my first UKE I might go with the Luna because of the great tattoo and good sound.

  329. I have two of the featured tenors. The Islander has a big sound and is quite bright. I also found minor cosmetic issues with mine which in no way affected the playing. I also have the Cordoba (I have the soprano, concert and tenor in this range) and think it is seriously undervalued. While it doesn’t project like the Islander it has a warmer sound typical of mahogany instruments and is beautifully finished, a real joy to play. I haven’t had a chance to play the Luna but have two Luna concerts, a laminate and a solid mahogany. The laminate model is brilliant and my most played ukulele so I assume the tenor would also be similar. I haven’t played the cheaper Kalas although I have a slim bodied Kala golden acacia travel uke which is brilliant. I have tried a Fender and was unimpressed. The Gretsch sounds great (I have the banjolele in the same Roots collection) and I’d like to spend some time with one of those. The spruce top Kala also sounds quite nice and while I haven’t played the Kala I have a couple of spruce top models and find them nice sounding although different to either mahogany or acacia ukes. I think all of the 9 featured instruments are good value and would suit a beginner or intermediate player or as a backup for an advanced player who may not always wish to take a professional instrument to some gigs.

  330. I have the Fender hau’oli for almost two year and I really love it! For the price, the quality and sound are pretty good and it always stay in tune.

  331. I want to like the Gretch so much since they have a retro look and a sweet tone. However, I have checked out several of them, and they all had one problem or another. Mostly saddle problems. Probably nothing HMS can handle though. I have personally tried several Kala’s that were nice, but really want to try an Islander or the new Cordobas. Thanks for holding the contest Andrew!

  332. Oh man. The Luna TT is a gorgeous looking and beautiful sounding instrument. They all sound amazing to me, though. I think the Islander comes in a close second, for me.

  333. I like the rustic, classic look of the Gretsch 9120, it has an extremely pleasing feel with a beautiful sound. A lot of ukulele for a reasonable price!

  334. These are all gorgeous instruments, both look and sound wise. The Luna TT and the Islander might be my favorites of the bunch, though.

  335. Wow. I didn’t know Gretsch made Ukes. And with a beefier neck than most I bet it’s real comfortable to play.

  336. We’re a household of bass players who have seen the light. In addition to the required Ubass, we have a few ukes, sopranos and concerts, a tenor is the next step, thanks for the comparison, it’ll certainly help with the decision.

  337. They are all so clear and resonant. The tones are rich and have just the right amount of “sharpness” without being “screeching.” With my untrained ear I found the Luna TT to be soft and resonant, the Kala TEM was vibrant, the Gretsch 9120 was responsive yet soft to the ear. My favorite was the Islander, which was very clear and sharp. The Kala TG sounded soft and easy. The Cordoba produced piercing, yet acccurate notes, as did the Fender. Both Kalas, the PWT and ST sounded very nice and muted. However, my overall favorite remains the Islander. Unfortunately in my hands these ukes will not sound nearly as good as the samples that I listened to, but a LOT of practice will get me close.

  338. It’s hard to make a choice from the video even after listening twice. They all sound good. I do like the Cordoba 20 TM because of it’s solid wood top. I own a Pono MT, great instrument.

  339. I was surprised by the Gretsch and the Luna. The glossy Kala and the pacific walnut Kala are very easy on the eye.

  340. I love the Ukulele… It’s simply the best. I think the Kala TEM was a great instrument. It sounded beautiful and looked it too! But all of these sound like really nice instruments. Hopefully I’ll get one! 🙂

  341. As others have noted, there’s not a wide range of sound. I own the TG, and while I’ve run through 6 different sopranos trying to find the right sound, I’ve been happy enough with the Kala tenor to stick with it and not feel the need to upgrade.

    If I won, though, I’d go with the Islander as it has that sweet, slick, thin Kanilea neck.

  342. I like the Gretsch best but the Islander is a close second. I was pulling for the Cordoba (love my concert one,) maybe it would be better with a different set of strings.

  343. I actually enjoyed all of the ukes but my two favorites are the Luna TT – great sound and the Kala PWT.

  344. That’s a fine group to choose from – it would be a hard choice. The Luna seemed to be a bit more mellow sounding, but I’d be happy to have any of them! I really enjoy these “head-to-head” comparisons.

  345. Hey, hello guys! I really love the sound and look of the Kala STG. With a solid top, it seems to be a great value! I must say that I also really like the Kala PWT.

    All in all, nice set of ukes played nicely!

  346. Love the Tenor Ukuleles. They are all beautiful and would love any of them. The Gretch or the Luna TT would be my favorite I think.

  347. They all sound very nice, especially in Corey’s hands! I like the look and sound of the Kala TG best!

  348. I have a Kala TEM – it’s been a great starter uke for me! Love the subdued, classy looks & the sounds is pretty good too! Only regret is that I paid too much for it since I bought it somewhere else 🙁

  349. I have owned a Cordoba guitar and loved it as much as I love the sound of this Cordoba UKE! I would love to have one. Although the Islander sounds great too.

  350. Hmm…My current ukulele has a bright sound, so, today, I’m liking the more mellow tones of the Cordoba 20TM.

  351. The Luna is gorgeous! I also like the Kala PWT’s shape and sound, and the description and video of the Islander, but why no picture?

  352. I want them all ! Luna TT has a beautiful “voice” . The ukes are all great and i would be very happy with any one of these.
    Thanks for making videos that really tell the truth about all of your ukes.

  353. Sonically, they’re all pretty great, though leaning towards the Gretsch and Cordoba. Aesthetically, I’m favoring the Luna and Kala PWT. Really though, would be happy to play any one of these!!

  354. It’s a toss-up between any one of the Kala’s, (though I think my favorite is the TEM) and the Cordoba. The Cordoba has some really nice sustain, but the Kala’s have that snappy, almost mandolin-like sound, with a hint of classical guitar. The Luna is by far my least favorite, as, while it sounds pretty, I don’t hear any upside–I doubt the instrument would improve or open up with playing and age.

  355. Nice.
    On one listen, my take:

    Luna seems a little dull in the sustain.
    Kala TEM overbright
    Islander, even thought I’m an Islander fan, sounds weak
    Kala TG – kind of tinny
    Cordobas, nice depth, a little twangy on the high end
    Kala ST nice depth and clean sustain

    Surprise to me, the Fender sounds the most balanced overall this morning! The one I’d pick out of the group.

  356. I think my favorite was the Kala STG. But that’s not to say they didn’t all sound great, because they did! And these are all under $200? These all seem like great quality instruments for that price! You guys do a great job with yall’s ukes by the way!

  357. I was really drawn to the Cordoba 20TM. Sounds great with the solid mahogany top, which also gives it a rich appearance, & will mellow with age. Love to have one.

  358. Hi,
    Thanks for the comparison video. I always like to hear the them against other ukes. I have some first hand experience with these and have some thoughts on the others.

    Luna T.T. – I have played these at music stores before I thought they felt and sounded pretty good but not exceptional. But solid. I might have considered one but I am not big on the tattooed design. (however i really dig the turtle design on the soprano, and have considered getting that for my daughter.)

    Kala TEM- My son owns this one. We bought it from Music Guy Mic back when they first came out. I have always thought that his was an exceptional value for the sound quality that we got from it. The top was extremely thin. It does seam to me that the newer ones tops are thicker and a little less resonant. They also used to have a darker stain when they first came out. The stain seams much lighter now. I preferred the older versions of that model to the current ones. But still feel it is a great model and is worth the upgrade from the basic model. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this.

    Gretsch 9120 – I have not played this model. But there is something in the tone of it that I find really appealing. I have been hoping to get my hands on one, but the local stores don’t have them yet. The sound seams aged to me.

    Kala TG – have played the concert version of this and I own the none gloss concert version of this. And the gloss just seems so a lot better put together. Fit and finish just seams better. I think if you would show people on the street they would think there was a big price difference between the two. Definitely worth the price upgrade. In comparing the concert versions i would say the gloss is slightly quieter. But slightly richer in sound quality. But only slightly on both accounts. But l would probably still choose the TEM model.

    Islander MT-4 – I own this model. I find mine very resonant but not punchy. There does not seem to be as much attack on the individual notes of a chord, but there is a tremendous amount of sustain. I find that the tone favors the mids and the highs are more subdued. It sounds great.

    Fender Hau’oli – I have played this one in a store, and I think it is the best model that fender makes. I have played some other models that I thought were really bad. And this one shines by comparison. I think though in the price range and against other models I don’t think It would be my first choice. But If I won one I would definitly take it.

    Cordoba – I have not played this one.

    Kala STG -I have not played this one. The closest comparison I have would be my son’s son’s spalted maple spruce top. And that uke was a little tight when we first got it but has opened up beautifully.

    Kala PWT – I have played this model at stores. I think it looks great, but I think for less money the TEM is a much better sounding uke from kala. It sound that way to me on the recording as well. But some people hear with their eyes.

    Thanks for the listening booth, Would be glad to take any of these off your hands. I am dying to try that Gretsch.

  359. I purchased the Cordoba 15CM last year from HMS for a Christmas gift. It sounds nice and looks neat. I bet the 20TM would live up to the Cordoba reputation in the Tenor size too. A friend has the Kala TEM. It looks pretty cool. I was thinking about purchasing a Gretsch for myself. Maybe I’ll get lucky;) Thanks for the contest HMS!

  360. They are all good ukuleles, you wouldn’t go wrong with any of them. For looks I prefer the Luna TT, but my choice would be the Islander MT-4 nice sound and a slightly wider neck than the others.

  361. I had to listen with my eyes closed in order to be more discerning (being a serial sucker for beautiful wood grains like the Kala TEM and PWT). I kept opening my eyes to the Kala STG and Cordoba 20TM. Coincidence that they were solid tops? I cannot say, but the depth of tone was smooth and rich for both – simply beautiful. I could listen to them all night long. The Luna, Kala TG and Islander were next in line for great sound. Despite loving the look of the Kala TEM and PWT, sound quality won over looks this time! Go Kala Spruce Top! I love you best of all!!

  362. The Kala STG sounds amazing, but they all sounded great, each in its own way. I love spruce tops.

  363. All of these tenors have a beautiful sound, but I’ve always been a fan of the Kala brand. Despite this, however, I absolutely ADORE the look of the Fender Hau’Oli and the Kala STG. They are just gorgeous looking instruments with a beautiful sound to boot. I have a soprano Uke that is a Kala-KS, and it is the ‘old faithful’ of the Ukes that I have played with. Never let me down. 🙂

  364. I was surprised how close they all were, that being said, I preferred the Gretsch and the Fender. I thought I would like the Islander more, so that was a bit of a surprise for me.

  365. I prefer the Kala TEM for looks. I really like the black binding. With Corey playing them, they all sound so sweet!

  366. Loved the video. What a great selection of tenor ukes! I run a ukulele club, and whenever I’m asked, “what kind of a ukulele should I buy,” I always say, ” Buy a Kala, or a Luna, you can’t beat them for the money, they always sound great and are well made.” I ove the look of the Fender with the Tele headstock too.

  367. Loved the video. What a great selection of tenor ukes! I run a ukulele club, and whenever I’m asked, “what kind of a ukulele should I buy,” I always say, ” Buy a Kala, or a Luna, you can’t beat them for the money, they always sound great and are well made.” I love the look of the Fender with the Tele headstock too.

  368. Corey makes all these ukes sound wonderful. Well done! Although it took several listens, for me the Cordoba would make the top of the list.

  369. If you listen carefully, they all have their own unique and beautiful sound. I have a couple Kalas myself and really love them. The Luna TT really caught my eye. The design and the clear mellow sound really impressed me. It’s a uke I would like to own. Thanks for the opportunity listen to all these beautiful ukes and the chance to win one of them.

  370. I am new to playing and purchased a Gretsch earlier this year and love it. The sound is great and it has helped me enjoy my learning experience.

  371. The Luna is the one for me. Maybe I’m biased, as I already have a Luna Orchid Concert model (the intonation’s not quite there, but it has a lovely tone and a strong, clean sound on the pickup which has great punch onstage), but to me it has the most perfectly balanced tone out of the models tested. The Kala TEM would be my second choice. The sound is slightly more trebbly, but it has a nice look, as does the Gretsch, which has the slightly more rounded tone of the two. Then it would be the Islander slightly ahead of the others, not that you’d go far wrong with any of them. Aloha!

  372. My favorite is the Kala TG. Man, seeing and hearing all these beautiful ukes makes me want to go back to Hawai’i!

  373. I think they are all great sounding! My favorite is the Kala PWT…..I love the look of Walnut!

  374. Any of these tenors would find a home with me. I especially liked the Fender. It would be the one I’d choose.

  375. First, thanks for putting together this comparison – you did it in a very fair way which let me compare the tone, volume, and definition of each instrument. I was struck by how similar the instruments in this price range were, but there were definitely some differences. I was surprised by how much I liked the Gretsch, but I think if I had to grab one to take to a gig or a jam, I’d go with the Kala STG. I liked the definition of its sound, particularly when fingerpicking. Of course, what we can’t tell from the video is how it feels in the hands, whether the neck profile is comfortable, how the fit and finish are (I have a pet peeve about poorly finished fret ends), and other things that can only be determined in person.

  376. This is a difficult task because they all sound great and I would love to own any one of them. I love the look of the dark wood on the Gretsch 9120, but the sound of the Cordoba 20TM seems a bit more resonant to me. But, hey, that Corey can sure play like ringing’ a bell.

  377. All sound so beautiful being played by Kalei; at least I think that is him.
    I own a Kala, and love it. It is finally getting the recognition it deserves as I am playing it with the worship team at church.
    It has a wonderful contrast as it is being played with two other guitars; everyone is loving it.
    I particularly like the curly wooded Kala and the brightness of the solid spruce topped one.
    Thank you for allowing us to listen.

  378. since i own a concert luna electric i’m probably a bit biased but i thot all sounded nice & resonant….i s’pose i’d have to get my mitts on ’em all to really decide which felt more comfortable to play….i really like the tattoo top – a few of my uke students have showed up with lunas after seeing & hearing mine ! the staff at luna were very helpful as the piezo bar in the electric was a bit off & they sent me a new one & the volume is consistent now across all strings.

    it would have been good to demo them with some good solid ‘hawaiian kine’ strumming as well.


  379. The tenor range is really beautiful for a ukulele! This video is great motivation to get one. Or two….

  380. I think all 9 ukes have a good sound. I like the Islander the best. I like the pins in the saddle vs tie on string bridges. It seems to have a nice bright sound.

  381. Very nice, each Uke has it’s own tone and warmth. The Luna TT, Gretsch 9120 and The Cordoba 20TM stand out for me. Thank-you …… keep on struming 🙂

  382. I have a Gretsch and a Kala. The Gretsch is a beautiful instument, but I prefer the sound of the Kala.

  383. I’ve had a KALA PWT for just under a year now. I know that laminated ukes should not change with age, but I think mine sounds better today than when new! The folks at HMS did a great job of setting up my instrument. It is a great value for the price. Aloha

  384. All of these ukes look and sound terrific, especially for the price range. I’d be delighted to own any one of them. That said, a few observations:

    Appearance: I tend to be a traditionalist. Thus, I really like the looks of the Gretsch and the Cordoba. I also like the look of the Kala Exotic Mahogany.

    Mechanics – The Gretsch appears to have guitar-style bridge pins; the Islander seems to have a slotted bridge. Both would seem to make string changes a bit easier than the traditional bridges that the others appear to have. I like the fact that the Cordoba and the Kala ST’s have solid tops.

    Sound – I thought all of the ukes sounded great, but the Kala Spruce Solid Top had the deepest, richest tone, followed by the Gretsch, Cordoba and Fender. IMHO, the primary quality I’m looking for is sound; appearance and mechanics are icing on the cake.

    Full disclosure: I purchased my first uke, a Cordoba CM15 concert, from this site about 8 months ago and I love it. It’s a terrific looking uke with a nice solid tone, and the fit and finish are superb, especially for the price. My only complaint – the tuners were kind of cheesy. It’s not that they wouldn’t hold the tuning; it’s more that they weren’t responsive when adjusting. I replaced them with Grover open-gear uke tuners (approx. $20.00 shipped from Stew-Mac, a 10-minute upgrade project) and now I really think the Cordoba is a keeper. I assume the Cordoba 20TM is of similar quality.

  385. They all sound terrific! The tattoo looks boss! I have a similar Kala and love it. Can’t go wrong with any of these and the service from your shop is the best!

  386. I really the the open sound of the Luna. The Kala TEM has a gourgeous look. And the Fender has more volume than the rest. All are very nice ukes!

  387. I love all ukes and all of these sound great. Of the 9 listed here, I have had the opportunity to play 4 of them (Kala TEM, Islander, Cordoba and Fender) and hands down the Islander was the best of the 4 and also the best sounding of the 9 listed in this grouping. In listening to this clip, I was surprised by the richness of the Gretsch and the Volume of the Kala ST. I have played Cordoba’s in the past and was not very impressed but the one in this video sounded really good. The Kala TG sounded a little muffled in this clip and the Fender (that sounded muffled when played in person) sounded brighter than expected. It all gets kind of confusing at some point but here is how I would rank these (given the amateur status that I possess):
    Islander 1st Place.
    In second place, I liked the Cordoba, Gretsch and Kala ST (I have got to get my hands on a spruce top – to me they all sound good).
    Thirdly, I like the Kala TEM, Luna, and Fender
    Lastly, I like the Kala PWT and Kala TG
    In this price range, You cannot go wrong with any of these!!

  388. Its fantastic to be able to hear all of these side by side… and the prices can’t be beat and they look and sound fantastic!!

  389. Love them all and think they have great sound for reasonable price. Especially liked the Kala STG – both sound and “look”. Mahalo.

  390. My admittedly untrained ear and eye would rate them as such:
    Luna TT: 8.0 Sound 8.5 Appearance
    Kala TEM: 8.5 Sound 8.5 Appearance
    Gretsch 9120: 9.5 Sound 8.5 Appearance (my overall favorite)
    Islander MT4: 7.5 Sound 6.5 Appearance
    Kala TG: 7.0 Sound 7.0 Appearance (sound was a little thin, didn’t ring)
    Cordoba 20TM: 7.0 Sound 7.5 Appearance (sound seemed a little muted/muffled)
    Fender Hau’oli: 8.5 Sound 8.0 Appearance (very close runner-up)
    Kala PWT: 7.5 Sound 7.0 Appearance
    Kala ST: 8.5 Sound 6.0 Appearance

    I am obviously biased toward wood with a deep, rich color and a little instrument with a big sound.

  391. I like the Gretsch and the Fender.

    Did anyone notice that you are missing the photo of the Islander?

  392. I really like the Kala TEM. I could play with my boys who have Kanilea’s. Excellent video comparison. That took some work to put together. Thanks!

  393. All of the ukuleles sound super fine for the price. But they each have their own characteristics… ie. the mellower spectrum ukes, Luna TT, Gretsch, Kala Islander and Cordoba. The Kala Spuce was in the middle range and the others sounded a little lighter…. For me I think the Luna TT, Islander and Cordoba would be the ones to choose from…

    Mahalo for the invite,

  394. Some amazing sounding ukes in there. The Kala’s always sound the best to me, but the Gretsch is very interesting too. Very warm tone, as opposed to the brightness of the Kala STG. Love em.

  395. Kala has proven to be a company that offers great value. The Kala TEM has rich tones and great looks. I don’t think that a better instrument can be bought for under $200.

  396. My favorite of the bunch was the Gretsch 9120. I liked it’s look and sound. The Luna TT got a second look with it’s tattoo top as did the Fender Hau’oli and it’s headstock. All of these instruments would look good in my hands.

  397. I love the spruce top.. I’ve always wanted a tenor since I starting playing two years ago <3

  398. OMG! You’ll randomely give such great presents…. so nice of you. It reminds me of George Harisson car trunk full of ukuleles, he traveled around and made people happy by blessing them with free ukuleles. What can I say, You’re nice as a beatle hehe… If I win, I dont mind which one I’ll choose, what matters is what I’m doing with such great instruments. Love, Igor

  399. They all sound wonderful played by a true Ukulele Artist! 🙂 Thanks for making the video and for the chance to win one!

  400. Visually, the Kala’s look impressive, specially the PWT and the ST (more kind of a guitar look). I loved the Islander’s deep tone, ando on the other side the Kala TG bright sound.
    Also, the Gretsch’s fat neck is something I also would like to try. But if I had to choose one in a hurry, I’d go for the Kala ST, knowing that the setup made at the store improves their intonation.

  401. Beautiful playing of all the ukes on display (by Corey?). For me the Luna TT and Kala PWT stand out.
    Great editing of the transition from one Uke to the next!

  402. The Kalas sound consistently brighter than the rest to my ears. If I were to pick one as having a slight preference in tone, it would be the Luna. I have a Luna tattoo concert laminate uke and I agree with another poster, that its a great sounding uke and a favorite player. This shootout proves though that you can’t really go wrong with any of these ukes if you’re budget is in the under $200 range for a tenor.

  403. These all sound good. I have always wanted an Islander but some of the Kalas look and sound really good.

  404. They all sounded good. Good player with fine technique and it comes back showing it isn’t just the instrument that is responsible for the tone.

  405. Kala tg all day:) i am fortunate enough to own a kamaka long neck tenor but i dont trust some of my friends with it. Shhhh don’t tell them i said that. Would love to have an extra uke laying around. JAM SESSIOOOOOONS.

  406. HMS rocks! It’s amazing that you make lots of such videos to help folks decide on the best uke for their price range. Keep them coming. The Islander is most appealing to me – tone, wider fret board and looks!

  407. I liked all of them, they all looked and sounded so beautiful. But none compared to the Luna TT, for me. It sounded so mellow and, personally, it reminded me of Hawai’i, and my Ohana. One of my cousins has one that is similar to it, and that draws me to it even more so.

  408. What a wonderful review. Helpful to hear all of the ukes one after the other to compare the variety of sound qualities. Our family owns a concert Kala which we greatly enjoy. I would plan to watch this review several more times and make notes to help make a decision before purchasing a Tenor to add to our little uke family.

  409. Wow, i love all of the Ukuleles, each one of them is unique and great for the price! When I listen closer, I absolutely love the Cordoba 20 TM and the Fender Hau’oli.

  410. Hi there…I have found that most Tenor ukuleles that are made today are of very, very good quality and that they have excellent tone, especially when the strings are ‘picked’ in a very mellow fashion such as your player has demonstrated in your review video. I would love to play as your demonstrator has done…really great demonstration, with a very pleasant sound from all of the models displayed. But, being a novice player myself, likely I will be a ‘Strummer’ for many enjoyable years to come. So, the sound and tone of the ukulele while being strummed is of even greater importance for most of us beginner or developing learners! It would be a pleasure to own any of the ukuleles presented and I like the Cordoba 20TM for it’s solid wood top and simplicity of design, and of course the Luna for it’s unique sound board graphics. The wonderful world of Ukulele today offers such a fabulous choice of instruments for players of all abilities to play and enjoy for a lifetime of musical fun! Thanks and Happy Strum’n! Jim Wiggins, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 🙂

  411. I’d take the Cordoba 20 TM!! what a beautiful sound!! i want to start playing Ukulele and I feel I will enjoy playing this one for a long time.

  412. Beautiful ukes, They are all very beautiful and the sound is great. I especially like the Islander Mt-4 and the KALA PWT I love the sharp clean sound of the cordoba too. Under $200.00 dollars WOW. Santa Baby put one under my tree.

  413. Have to say they all sound sweet and very comparable. The solid spruce top gets my vote on the basis of the few strummed chords for sound. But that Tele headstock on the Fender wins for sheer mojo…

  414. wow, all of those are great! when i listen closer, i really love the Cordoba 20 TM and the Fender Hau’oli… I play concert ukulele, and it would be nice trying out a Tenor, especially at our Kirtan evenings in the Yogacenter!!

  415. my mom plays ukulele and i always want to play on hers… it would be nice to have my own ukulele to play on. Listening to the samples, i’d take the Fender Hau’oli.

  416. The Islander MT4 was my first ukulele from HMS, and I love it. The sound is great, the intonation solid, and the 1.5″ width at the nut is easier on my 79 year old fingers than the Pono I subsequently bought. Wish they were all that width so decisions on my next one would be easier. From the remainder of this group, I like the Luna Tattoo. It sounds as good as my Islander, and is prettier. The design reminds me of Hawaii.

  417. I have the Kala exotic mahogany in concert and I love it. It’s a great uke. In the video I really liked the Kala spruce top…sounds really loud and punchy.

  418. At first blush, the Kala TEM, the Gretsch with the fatter neck & the Luna all really caught my eyes and ears, but the solely blind test has me leaning Islander MT-4.

  419. Those are some great sounding ukes for under $200. I really like the Islander and the Cordoba. I love that you can play a great sounding instrument without spending a lot. It really opens things up for a lot of people that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a “nice” instrument.

  420. I received the Kala KA-STG from Hawaii Music Supply a few months ago. So far I have been very pleased with it. Solid spruce top with laminate mahogany back and sides is very common for acoustic guitars, but is not as common for ukuleles. As such you don’t exactly get that traditional tone produced by ukuleles made of koa. The sound is somewhat brighter, however it still has plenty of depth and is quite pleasing to my ear. The solid top also allows it to project very well and this ukulele can be very loud if you want it to be.

    In my experience with ukuleles and guitars, solid top instruments are almost always the best value. The quality of the top of the guitar has by far the highest impact on the sound. You can usually very easily hear the difference between a solid top and a laminate, but it is generally more difficult to discern between solid top and all solid. Also the price difference between laminate is relatively small compared with the step up from solid top to all solid. I think solid top always gives you the best bang for your buck and the Kala KA-STG is an excellent example. You get a very high quality instrument with excellent sound for less than $200.

    The setup by HMS was excellent, the action and intonation were perfect.. It is well worth paying for shipping to get the free setup they include on every ukulele. Ordering from them is definitely the best value. All the parts were high quality and it has stayed in tune very easily since the strings have been stretched out. The only exception is the bridge, which seems to be made of very cheap wood which is rough and gets caught on cloths during cleaning. Overall, I am extremely pleased with my purchase and I would highly recommend this ukulele to anyone, just make sure that the sound is for you.

  421. You guys sold me my first uke, the Luna TT, low-G strung. I’m still a beginner, but I adore it. For anyone with small hands, it’s got a nice easy neck, a really forgiving, mellow sound for fingerpicking, and I get a lot less buzzing than most of the other beginners I hang around with.

    The thing I want most from that video is even a smidgen of the skill of the guy playing :), but if I can’t have that… I love, love, love the sound of the Islander, but the wide neck ain’t gonna work for my teeny hands, prolly. So the Kala STG would be my next choice. Or maybe I’d go for one of the brighter ones to contrast with my Luna more. Choosing would be a brain twister, for sure!

  422. Wow, hard to choose or maybe my ear isn’t tuned good enough to hear the subtleties between the ukes…but I think I heard the difference between the Luna and Kala TEM. I’m in the learning stages of playing the uke and I hope to some day be half as good as the guy playing these ukes…some day I will be half as good as him.

  423. I’m partial to the Islander: I have the solid body model (MST-4) and love the tonality and playability. I am impressed with the Kala STG here. A rich and solid tone.

  424. I like the “Tattoo” on the Luna TT, as well as the tuning peg appearance. Though it isn’t the brightest sound in the group I find it to have a nice soft, mellow tone. The Kala instruments all sound very consistently bright and warm. The grain on the TEM reminds me of a spalted mango instrument I once had. I like the unique head shape on the Fender, and though it wasn’t the warmest sounding of the bunch it seemed to be quite loud, with nice resonance.

  425. The Cordoba neck is a joy to play. The sound of the spruce top Kala stands out. But I’m a big fan of the looks of the exotic mahogany, the pacific walnut, and the tattooed Luna!

  426. The Gretsch had a nice bright sound. I really like the looks of the new Kalas, especially the STG.

  427. Wow! Ukuleles in this price range have really improved. Of course your setup has a big effect too. When I look and listen back over the ukuleles over the last 5 years these are a whole lot better. If I had to choose from among these ukuleles I find that I’m looking more at appearance because I would be happy with any of them.

  428. Great video. Always enjoy your videos. They are so helpful. That said, this would be a tough choice. I have a Luna concert and love its sound. But I also liked the Islander and the Kala STG. Choosing among these would be a problem I would like to have!

  429. It’s so great that you can get quality ukes for these prices, From this video I enjoyed the Luna and Gretsch. I own a Kala and am very happy with it.

  430. I have a Kala Concert and I’m thinking about upgrading to either the Kala TEM or Kala PWT since I they both look and sound beautiful.

  431. The Kala TEM is by far my favorite. I love the appearance and sound of it. If I get it, my boyfriend (a uke enthusiast), would be asking to borrow my ukulele for a change instead of me always stealing his. *fingers crossed*

  432. First, a big Mahalo for holding this contest. I am a Uke fan but have been saving my pennies for a Hawaiian-made instrument.

    In my opinion, like many things, a good player can make even an inferior uke sound better than I can so this review comes with this caveat.
    Although, I do have 60 year-old ears which have suffered some high frequency loss, with my eyes shut I cannot tell much of a difference in sound on these models. Perhaps it is my ears, maybe my PC speakers, or perhaps I am tone deaf. Regardless, I am led to what does and does not appeal to me visually.

    Simply put, some of these Ukes shout laminate from a mile away and of course, that combined with mass production and other cheaper materials makes them easier on the wallet, but if I am going to gaze lovingly on one of these honeys and be drawn to practice it everyday, it has gotta look good. I drool over beautiful finished (sustainably-farmed or reclaimed) wood, artistic bindings, rosettes that are real and not decals or paint, and geared tuners that will hold tension from day to day. Functionally, because I have wide (farmer) hands and medium length, less than extremely flexible, fingers, I would prefer a model with thin, wide neck, stiffened/strengthened by a rod, if needed.
    So with all that said, the Kala TEM and TG make me take a second and third look, and on the negative side of the ledger, I prefer the “traditional” look so the head stock on the Gretsch turns me off.
    Mahalo nui loa and Good Luck to all.

  433. The musician was an excellent player so they all sounded good, but I tend to enjoy the sweetness and rich tone of the Kala models, especially the STG. I own a Kala Lacewood Soprano and it has the best sound of any uke I’ve played (with my limited ability) for both strumming and finger picking.

  434. I have to agree with Thomas, my husband has a Fender Tenor, and not only does he love it, but I love him playing it.

  435. I own a “Cordoba 20TM” and I can say this, the solid top provides great tonal depth at all ranges and depending on the type of strings used can articulate your style of playing. It sounds well balanced and clear and I love to play it. it is well built, the finish has a light wood grain pattern and very smooth satin finish. This is a great value ukulele for the price.

  436. Wow, I am such a novice and I have been really loving my Pono I bought last year from ya’ll. Now that I am really addicted to the ukulele. I have been dreaming of buying a tenor and then a baritone. So, almost convinced my husband to buy me one for a present, he was worried that it would be too expensive, then here comes your great video! Yes. So I have now listened to it three times, it’s tricky but the Luna Tt, the Gretsch, Kala PWT and the Kala STG sound so fine. I feel like I am hearing only slight differences in all the ukes, must do it again with my eyes closed. When I watch it I feel like the Luna TT and the Kala STG would be great buys. Thanks for this video, ya’ll are wonderful for sharing all the uKulele information and giving us such a wonderful education. Feel like I could make a choice now, well… maybe….

  437. The Luna and the Cordoba both sounds really smooth and great! A really good choice under 200 $ !

  438. The Kala TG would be my choice….slim neck, good looks & rich sound. What else could you ask for in a uke!. They’re the only brand I play!!!

  439. 1) I would stay away from the Kala’s and the Cordoba. I have a couple of Kala CEM’s with twisted necks, and a 20TM the same. Neither company cures the necks on their ukes properly. So it may sound nice now, but a few months from now it will start buzzing. And then get worse to the point it can’t be used. And if you can fix it, you’ll be paying $100 for a luthier to fix a $200 laminate uke. I would go for the Fender or Gretsch and hope they have better quality controls. I have an Islander, and there’s nothing wrong with the uke -it’s just not a very good sounding uke.

  440. Believe it or not, I am in the market for a good tenor in this price range. I need a uke that I can keep at my job, so when things get a little weird. A little “strum time” is the best medicine. I like the Cordoba a lot, Islander is sweet and the Luna is also real good but any of the Kalas are so nice. Oh no, I am getting so confused, Corey make all of them sound so good, I want them all!

  441. I really enjoy the comparison videos. Very helpful to have the same musician playing the same piece using different models. I appreciate the sound quality of the recording as well.

    I was surprised how full and ‘boomy’ the Gretsch is. I have never played one of their ukuleles or guitars for that matter. That was what stuck out the most in the video.


  442. Guaranteed top notch value for money ukes,supplied by the most experienced retailers on the planet.

  443. I’ve got a Kala ukulele, it’s sounds pretty to me. But I’m fascinated with that Luna TT, *_* Unfortunately, there’s no big chance that, I will get it :/

  444. These are all very nice ukes. There are a few stand outs to me. I play a Luna Tattoo concert with a preamp and it is a wonderful uke. The tone is rich and warm and the neck feels thin and slick. Another one is the Kala TEM. When I closed my eyes listening to the dry recording I smiled just a little wider when this sweet baby came on. The tone was wonderful and the notes sustained so well. But, the one that I personally thought stood out from the group was the Cordoba 20TM. I love the bluesy tone and the warmth I heard. I’ve played a lot of ukes at music stores and the Cordoba was the first that I ever picked up that really felt good and sounded amazing just coming off the wall. Plus it is quite the looker. The Cordoba is the next uke that I’m picking up.

  445. I’ve got a Kala ukulele, and it sound really pretty. But Luna TT is beautiful and it fascinated me! *_* Actually I know that, there’s no chance to win it, but it’s worth it 😛

  446. Under $200 Review
    Listened to all audio using Sennheiser HD 201 headphones to give all instruments an unbiased ear. My review will be based on instrument sound since they all are nice looking in their own right.
    I do own a Kala TEM which gave me a reference. I also own a Pono ATD HMS sold me and the sound quality is well above the ukuleles being reviewed. That being said, let’s move on to the reviews.

    Luna TT
    Fat tone, seems to lack crisp highs.

    Kala TEM
    Small on the bottom end, heavy on the mid-range, highs are not that great

    Gretsch 9120
    Balanced from top to bottom, notes are clean and well rounded and warm.

    Islander MT-4
    Clear and crisp, not as round in tone as the Gretsch 9120. Clearer than the kala instruments.

    Kala TG
    The overall sound somewhat mirrors the Kala-TEM

    Cordoba 20TM
    Much like the Islander MT-4

    Fender Hau’Oli
    Not impressed, hate the peg head. Fender should make a TELE THINLINE electric ukulele, maybe that might work.

    Kala PWT
    What’s one to say, it’s a Kala.

    Kala ST
    Better sound than the other Kala ukuleles, still I feel the non Kala’s are better sounding.

  447. The Luna sounds the best. The Fender and Kayla TEM look the best, although I didn’t like the kayla sound as much as others. The Kayla TG, however did have a great sound. The Gretsch seems like a good overall instrument.

  448. They all sounds good. I have a Kala concert, and I’m thinking about moving to a tenor, my favorites are the Islander ande the Kala STG.

  449. These all sound really lovely. I think if I had to choose one, I would go with the Luna TT because I love the tattoo. I already have the Kala TEME3 (bought at Hawaii Music Supply in 2011), but I would love to win any of these so that my fiancee and I could play a few duets at our wedding in May.

  450. Beautiful ukuleles with beautiful sound! My favorite would have to be the Islander MT-4, it sounds so clean and smooth. I really liked the Luna TT too, especially with that nice design.

  451. All of them sound great, but I love the tone of the Luna TT. I like the Kala STG too, but I am a little bit partial since I already own one. Thanks for the great video.

  452. The demonstrations are very well done. I need to listen a few more times to decide which tone I’d like. I have a Cordoba guitar and the Cordoba tenor would be a nice companion. I also have a Santa Cruz OM guitar and the Kala STG would be a nice companion for her.

  453. The Gretsch 9120 is a very intriguing option. The sound is rich and clear. But the thicker neck concerns me. It could effect grip. So for me it would be the Kala STG. The solid spruce top makes the sound like a model costing hundreds more

  454. Love the Kala TG and Kala PWT. My dad played the uke (and the guitar, and the banjo) when I was little. I miss hearing him play. My fiance and I have a wonderful little Kala that we bought from you three years ago on our first visit to Oahu; would be great to have another so we could jam together. 🙂

  455. I got my wife the Islander MC-4 for her birthday this year, and she loves it. I’m also a big fan of the simple look and the nice sound, and the tenor version is just as nice.

    The look of the Gretsch 9120 is my favorite out of this batch, though.

  456. I really like that Islander sound. The Gretsch is my next favorite but it’s a different sound for sure. Rounder fatter tone whereas the Islander is more crisp and bright.

  457. Can’t beat the solid top sweetness of the Cordoba. I’d love to have another one to play.


  458. I like the sounds of each of these Uke’s. Assuming that Cory played each the same and that they had the same strings, … And hearing the Gretch played next to the others, I’m very satisfied with my choice to buy the Gretch. I love it.

  459. That Islander had a very clean and crisp sound.
    I’d rather get the Islander than any of the Kala’s listed.

  460. All sound terrific – good ear training for someone who is trying to improve his understanding of what sounds good
    Like the Kala TG sound,looks and explanation of the ‘feel’

  461. I liked the Fender followed by the Gretsch, but I own a Kala.
    Corey is amazing and makes all the ukes sound great.

  462. LUNA TT – Nice tattoo graphics on the front with a clear big sound.
    KALA TEM – Beautiful koa simulated mahoghany design with a clear very full sound. The uke reverberates well to create that full sound.
    GRETSCH 9120 – OK on the dark color. Crisp clear sound.
    ISLANDER MT – No photo, but oh well.  Not a big fan of the light colored uke put nice. Nice sound.
    KALA TG – I like the traditional look, all around nice sound.
    CORDOBA 20TM – More traditional look. Blended sound rather than the crispiness of the Luna or Kala TEM.
    FENDER HAU’OLI – Nice face, Fender always has the guitar keys. Sounded a more broadly mixed in sound.
    KALA PWT – Different look on the face. I’m not sure about it, being a traditionalist, but like the sound. Similar to the STG.
    KALA STG – Again, never been crazy about the light colored spruce look, but that’s personal preference.

  463. I wish I had better speakers to really catch all the variation here! From what I can make out, though, that Gretsch seems especially lovely.

  464. These tenors are great! I was surprised that they were all under $200! I especially loved the Kala’s and the unique look of the Fender. Looks aside, each instrument seemed to have a bright, clean sound and to be very playable 🙂 I bought my Kanile’a from Hawaii Music Supply and couldn’t have been happier with the instrument, the service and the shipping.

  465. I love my Luna it’s a great Uke, the detail is brilliant for such a good value piece of kit, but with all instruments it’s the setup that makes the difference, HMS do an awesome job of this and I haven,t had to touch mine out of the box. I think the Islander and the Cordoba sound the best in this comparison, lovely rounded tones and good volume, the Tenors are great for big fingers like mine! Just wish I could play like these guys, need to use Aaron,s tutorials I think! Wish me luck, it would be nice to get a new Uke all the way from Hawaii to Australia, cheers from Far North Queensland.

  466. I shouldn’t know what to choose. That deep, earthy sound of the gretsch, the beautiful grain in the walnutof the kala PWT, that nice looking saddle of the Islander or that smooth, warm sound and vibe the Kala STG radiate. They are all things of beauty.

  467. Definitely could hear the slight differences with headphones (I agree, Cory makes everything sound good. . . he’s a keeper Andrew. . . Cory and Aaron demonstrating your ukuleles are your best advertising.) My only ukulele baby is the Pono Acacia/Cedar Baritone I bought from your store last spring, and I love her! Being an old dog not able to learn new tricks, I’ll stick to the baritone chords. Should I be fortunate to win a tenor, it will be for my granddaughter as she can’t keep her hands off Grandma’s Pono. As for the comparison, I like the looks of the Luna and the sound of the Islander and Gretsch.

  468. They all sound amazing for sub-$200 ukes! I’d opt for a Kala [I already own one and love it] and either the TEM or the PWT. They both look like the duck’s guts to me!

  469. Have never heard the awesome variety of sounds from alot of these ukes…. the Gretsch and Fender just blew my mind and I prefer that bigger fatter rounder sound rather than the thinner sounds of the Kalas which are more traditional. Loved them all really and nice acoustic playing!

  470. The Cordoba was my least favorite; I eliminated the Islander because I already have one, and the Luna and Gretsch because I’m not a fan of tats or fat necks on ukes (or people). My unsophisticated ears and mind vote for two Kalas: TEM, and ST (= #1 – I’ve been thinking of a spruce top for years).

  471. Man, if only I had an extra $1800 or so…

    I’m going to have to watch this about 13 more times to pick a favorite. They all sound so good.

  472. HMS are the people that you want to buy especially a lower priced uke from because they will bring out the best in these affordable models. I tend to be more drawn to richer tone as opposed to brighter/brackish ukes, so I appreciate the fuller richer sounds of the Luna, Gretsch and the rich openness of the Islander. The Gretsch is built well and that big neck feels pretty good, yet it plays a bit quieter in person. The Fender surprised me when I played it with it’s ease of play on that narrow neck and quite good projection.
    My daughter might lean towards the Luna (that’s her favorite pretend name) and I’m real curious about the Islander company, but the Spruce Top Kala may be a wise choice with that solid spruce top.

  473. Wow! Corey (and an excellent set-up) makes all of them sound wonderful! I own several Kala ukuleles, including the exotic mahogany, and I really like the slender, comfortable necks, the bright, clear sounds and the Aquila Nylgut strings. I also have a Gretsch, have ordered and played a Luna. The Cordoba and Islander are on my “to buy short list”, so there are absolutely no losers in this line up! I would be delighted with any of them, knowing that they came from Hawaii Music Supply.

  474. All beautiful instruments – all beautifully played. I prefer the tone of the Islander to them all—but anyone of these would be a joy to play

  475. They all sound great!!! But for me, Luna tt and Kala stg are the best. They have a beautifull sound and the design is just awsome. Good job and great review!! Thanks

  476. They all pretty much sound the same, except for just a little difference in each. The Luna uke has a wonderful design and look to it, but the sound is not the greatest. The different Kala ukes sound very good. But I have to give my vote on the Islander uke.. sound wise, it sounds good, but don’t really care for the color wood selection, I like med to darker wood shades. For the price of $200 and under, they are all pretty good ukulele’s to have. Always wanted a Tenor uke, but never afford one for a while as I ordered a Koalana Concert and absolutely love playing it. A Tenor is on my bucket list. Mahalo for this opportunity of maybe winning one.

  477. My favorite would have to be the Kala STG. The Fender is also awesome. I wouldn’t mind having any of them though! Thanks for sharing.

  478. I own a Luna myself, and I absolutely love the quality of the sound. I play it every single day, and cherish it. It’s like my very own child, and I plan on keeping it for a very long time. Thank God it’s good quality wood! If I win one of these, I’d give it to my girlfriend!

  479. Love the Luna! It’s a great design and my friend has one. I simply love the sound that resonates from it!

  480. Always intrigued that I’m not a huge fan of the islander in the recordings, but where I hear one in person they sound great and feel even better – definitely the neck profile I prefer. I thought the Cordoba sounded best to me on the recording.

  481. I really liked the Luna’s sound because of how it gets a full tone and projects it beautifully. The Kala TEM has a slightly brighter sound than the Luna. I feel that the Kala PWT has a more mute sound. If I had to choose only one, I’d pick the Gretsch. The Gretsch is my favorite because of it’s brightness in tone, however it isn’t overpowering the overall tone of the strings, so it give that full sound. I feel like it would project beautifully in an acoustic setting. The cordoba and the Kala ST are close seconds.

  482. I researched all of these uke’s a couple of years ago, I ended up buying a Kala- c for my family and the tenor Fendor for my brother before my wife and I took a trip to the islands, beautiful. All of these instruments are beautiful. They are a hard choice to select any. The Cordoba is from Spain I believe, has a very nice sounds, very beautiful; It is the only one beside the Kala STG with the solid top. All of these Uke’s would be a good choice for a first uke. I always wanted the Islander.

  483. As to be expected! Another line up of affordable Ukuleles from The Ukulele Site, expertly demonstrated.

  484. Bradah, playing the demo’s, sounds unreal. You guys have some beautiful uke’s. Nice crisp high’s and good blend of bass. The Kala Pwt wood design is awesome. Good luck.

  485. The visual beauty of the uke is a personal evaluation. All the ukes are aesthetically pleasing. Personally, the standouts are:
    – Kala TEM – The wood pattern is reminiscent of beautiful tight curly Hawaiian koa.
    – Islander MT-4 – The clean and simple configuration is attractive… emphasizing the pure design of the uke.
    – Kala PWT – Like the Islander MT-4, it is a clean and simple configuration emphasizing the pure design of the uke. The wood grain is striking.
    For my acoustic evaluation, I used a pair of Bose AE (Around-Ear) audio headphones in a quiet room.
    – Luna TT – Sounded restricted or slightly muffled when compared to the other ukes.
    – Cordoba 20TM – Sounded the quietest, but sounded good and balanced.
    – Kala TEM, Kala TG, and the Fender Hau’oli sounded brighter than the other ukes. The sound was very good for people seeking the bright sound.
    – Gretsch 9120, Islander MT-4, Kala PWT, and Kala ST sounded rich and balanced.
    – The best acoustic characteristic? IMHO,…I would recommend Kala ST. Although, I would, without hesitation, also, recommend the Gretsch 9120, Islander MT-4, and Kala PWT.
    Of course, no evaluation is complete without the hands-on experience.
    Kudos to Andrew, Cory, and the staff for producing the video. What a unique opportunity to visually and acoustically compare ukes!!!

  486. They all sound great and I was surprised to like the Luna TT the best… thanks for the comparison video!

  487. Tough, all are a great bargain at under $200. Still, you’ve got to give it to Mike Upton at Kala as he’s been working this line a while. I say they take the cake here for best sound. That being said it’d be between the Kala Exotic Mahogany and the Kala STG. You would think the spruce top would just be the brighter uke of the two, but the solid wood actually gives this uke more “body” sound wise. I prefer brighter ukes and have enough issues humidifying one uke here in the Rockies so this one makes the Kala Exotic Mahogany tenor a no brainer(recently played my friends concert version and even I was surprised of the pleasant sound you get out of such a bargain uke).

  488. Wow!! These below $200 all sounds great. I have a tenor Kala and would certainly love to get a companion for it.

  489. Expected to like the Islander best but thought it sounded rather thin and quiet. I thought the Gretsch had the fullest sound, good mix of highs and lows and separation of notes. Was surprised at how good most of the Kala’s sounded. PWC seemed quieter and a little more muffled than the others. Cordoba was fairly full sounding as well. The only thing that puts me off from the Gretsch is the description of the chunky neck.

  490. I thought the kala tg and stg had the brightest tones, like i’ve always thought an ukulele would sound, but the gretsch and the islander had such warmth and vibrance… they all sounded great, especially for that price range!

  491. I think any ukulele that Hawaii Music Supply carries/recommends has good value in their reviews. I’m sure that, disregarding extreme personal tastes, the average person would be happy with any of these ukuleles. The worst part about buying online is that you don’t get to try them yourself, and I like how they try to bridge that gap with videos like this, but it would be good to also see more specifications in the review (wood, strings, neck feel, etc.) so that way even though you can’t feel it in person, you can get as much detail about it as possible before you do commit to buying what you may think is “the one” 🙂
    All in all, great showcase and great music. Loved each and every ukulele’s sound and style, along with Corey’s impressive playing xP

  492. Wow, brilliant comparison video. I really love the sound of the kala st, its just so bright. I sometimes prefer a rounder sound, but the kala is beautiful.

  493. I have the LunaTT and it’s lovely to play. The mahogany one will probably be my next acquisition as I have developed quite a uke addiction

  494. Kala Tem. Love the looks of the wood and sounds bright.The Pwt also has interesting wood. I prefer the traditional twist tie on the bridge over the budtton type strings.

  495. I was pleasantly surprised by the tone of that Islander. It really jumped out at me. The Kala ST also had a really nice ring to it. I have to agree with what’s been said though and attribute a good bit of that to Corey’s beautiful playing. As always, my hat is off to you sir!

  496. I have that tenor Cordoba (mine has an electric pickup on it) and it’s great, I used it in a talent show and it plays really well. I love it.

  497. They all sound great! I wonder if it’s the ukes or the touch of the player. Probably both. If lucky enough to win it will be a hard choice to pick but I’m sure any of these would be a winner, especially coming from these guys.

  498. They all sound great. Love the look of the Kala TEM and the headstock of the Fender is really cool too. The Kala PWT is also a very beautiful instrument.

  499. They all sound great in the demo. The Kala TEM is the prettiest, but I would go for the Cordoba or the Kala STG because I like the idea of the solid top. On a side note, these guys did a great job setting up the Pono I got from them. Would definitely give them all my business.

  500. I would like to give the Gretsch a shot with that thicker neck. I have played the Cordoba and really like that as well.

  501. What a great way to compare a selection of instruments. If you can’t sit down and play a wide range of manufacturers offerings, this is the next best thing. I’ve played the video several times listening for the differences in tone. It seems easier to go through and eliminate those that don’t fit your personal preference and then select from the ones “left standing.”

  502. for tenors i have a 79 dollar lanikai and a 400 dollar pono i love them both and probably play equal time on each.they sound completely different from each other but that makes it more fun.my pono from HMS was set up,just tune and play.the lanikai was not had to do abunch of fret work to make it nice.that said,all these uke’s sound great and with the setup probably play pretty equally so i think i’d go for looks and pick the luna tt or the fender.

  503. I bought a Gretsch 9120 from you and it continues to delight me. However,I’m in the market for other ukes and listening to the beautiful,subtle tones of all the models showcased here it highlights the dilemma in what do I choose next? hey all have great tone and sound and there are subtle differences, NUANCES THAT MAY BE TOO FINE FOR ME TO HEAR IN THIS RECORDING. Having played on other players ukes I’m leaning towards a Kala as my next choice but i’m also caught betwixt the luna and Islander- I think the Polynesian design on the Luna (which does nothing for the sound!!) do help to give it an aesthetic edge.If were lucky enough to win one of these, and hey guys I’m left handed, I’d be more than happy to receive any of them (except the Gretsch which I already have) but I f I’m put on the spot I’d g for the Luna.

  504. The solid top ukes definitely are a cut above in sound, and in looks I believe! The cordoba has a beautiful and rich sound, and has to be my favourite here. Anyway thanks for the awesome giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  505. I am leaning towards the fender, I like the long lean look of it and rich bold sound. I also really like the beautiful box of the LUNA TT seems the Hawaiian Tatoo work is perfect for the character of this instrument.

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  506. The Luna’s are always eye catchers and I would love to have one. This entire group is amazing for the price but the KALA STG is really impressive in this price range and is my favorite. The Gretsch 9120 would be an equal choice for traditional sound if you don’t want a spruce top.

  507. All of these ukes sound very good, especially in the hands of Cory! I purposely didn’t read the descriptions before I listened to the samples. Funny that I thought the two best sounding were the two with the solid tops, The Kala ST and the Cordoba 20 TM. But they all sound good. I wish the speakers on my computer were better so I could hear more of a difference.

  508. All nice instruments. I really like the nice full, mellow sound of the Islander MT-4. It seems to have a smooth and silky quality to my ear that is highly refined.

  509. They all look and sound great. The look and sound of course are both personal preference, but I don’t think anyone can go wrong with any of these for under $200. That’s a steal!

  510. I bought a Luna concert for my granddaughter for her birthday she love it and is going crazy on it, thank you.

  511. Most of these sound surprisingly great for being less than $200! I currently play a Pono Baritone and Tenor uke, which have been fantastic for my needs, but that Kala PWT is tonally on par with ukes that are 4X it’s price. Beautiful and sounds good… You can’t beat that!

  512. Wow! What an impressive array of lovely sounding ukuleles. To my ears all sound similar and quite attractive looking. I am partial to solid wood tops and bright sound, so were I to pick one (or two) whose sound I liked the best, I’d go with the KALA STG, followed by the Cordoba 20 TM.

  513. The Gretsch has a layered and full sound. The Islander is impressive as well with it’s rich tones and nice reverbs. Great line up!

  514. The Kaka TEM to my ears has the best tone , ring and sustain of all plus it’s easy on the eyes . Great job of playing too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  515. The Gretsch 9120 sounded louder and sweeter to my ear and I could hear more overtones that were not audible on the others. However there are many great choices among the 9. It never ceases to amaze me of the quality you can get for such a small monetary investment.

  516. I like the Gretsch and the two Kala’s (The TG and the STG)of the nine. They seemed to have the best tonal attributes I would choose from.

  517. I love Kala Ukuleles! Always great players, great sound (loud too!) pretty instruments with great prices too!
    What’s not to like!

  518. Many nice ukes here! Although I tend to lean toward the Kala’s, in this case I was most impressed by the Gretsch 9120. Would love to give that fatter neck a try. My second place would go to the Kala STG with the solid spruce top. One thing is for sure – with the top notch setup that Hawaii Music Supply puts on ALL the ukes the sell, almost any one from the list would be a winner!

  519. A great collection of ukuleles which sound great and look so nice. Hard to choose one, but I like the Luna TT.

  520. The Kala ukuleles never fail to impress through body and sound for the money. The TG and the STG definitely is an eye opener, but I also say that the PWT has the same effect. It also doesn’t hurt that the PWT has a laminate body, so no humidity concerns!

  521. I loved the full tone of the Fender Hau’oli, and the bright tone of the Kala STG, but my favorite is the Gretsch 9120. It to me hit all the marks. The tone was full bodied yet bright and clear. The sustain was clean and continuous. A beautiful ring.

  522. Absolutely love these instruments especially since they are all strong with Aquila strings. I feel that this spruce top kala sounded more crisp however I felt that the Islander mahogany had the best sound, but that’s just my personal opinion. I love the sharpness and tone in the Kala walnut the best and I liked the warmth that the kala exotic mahogany had the best. 🙂

  523. I really like the kala TEM and the kala PWT because they sound very pretty and they look pretty too.

  524. Fun video, thanks! I’m drawn to the sweet crisp tones of the Kala ST and mellow goodness of the Islander.

  525. These are all beautiful. You can’t go wrong with any of the Kalas. The TEM and STG are particularly lovely.

  526. 1. The Luna TT – I like the polynesian art
    2. The Kala TEM – Very nice sound with simple beautiful look.
    3. The Gretsch 9120 – so so
    4. Islander MT-4 – like the dark tone.
    5. Kala TG – pleasant and rich sound.
    6. Cordoba 20TM – good projection and sustain.
    7. Fender Hau’oli – Seemed to have better than average tone but not by much.
    8. Kala PWT – Nice wood grain. Average tone.
    9. Kala STG – This was noticeably superior tone and sustain to the rest, although all were a lot of uke for $200 or less

    Value, superior setup, and customer service… why would anyone by a uke anywhere else?

  527. Unfortunately my PC speakers probably aren’t the best way to listen to these Ukes play. But they all sounded good. I think the Cordoba was the one I liked the best.

  528. Great selection, very well presented. It seems like all of these sound similar, with maybe a touch more brightness from the Kalas. I’d make the choice based on looks and feel. I have a Kala and really like the size and shape of the neck, so I’d lean in that direction. From there it’s a toss-up between the PWT and STG — both great looks but very different styles. If I had the cash to burn it might be nice to have a few — maybe one for low G and one for high G!

  529. Wonderful listening experience, hearing the differences ranging from big to subtle. Several of the instruments sound wonderful in lower positions but lose some luster in upper positions. My favorite of these 9, for tonal balance over entire compass and quality of tone, is the KALA STG.

  530. Remarkable to have such great looking and sounding ‘ukuleles priced under $200. For those of us who purchase online the HMS selection and setup process is what makes or breaks an ‘ukulele – in the lower or upper price ranges. These 9 all sound really good to me. Kala ukes are excellent for the money. The Islander is impressive. I want one my next purchase. Congratulations, Andrew! The Review and HMS Listening Booth are both excellent!!

  531. It is very difficult to choose. All are very good. I really like Luna (I have one). The Cordoba and the Gretsch sound sweet to me.

  532. I think all of them sound very beautiful and look beautiful too. I especially like the engravings of the Luna TT and the sound of the Kala STG.

  533. I like the Luna TT design and the island rich sound. One could feel the heart beat of the Ukulete.

  534. love the sound of the islander, but am really drawn to the look of this particular fender.

  535. I’ve got an old Makai tenor at the moment, and am wishing for an upgrade. That Kala STG has been on my mind for a while. It looks and sounds nice. =)

  536. Love both Islander and Kala PWT
    Islander has really similar tone to Kanilea (my fav uke!) with cheaper price range.
    Kala PWT to my ear has very unique sound and looks, that’s interesting 🙂

  537. Very nice tonal comparison. I know I’m going to have some of those riffs stuck in my head all day. I’m definitely a Kala fan, it’s great to see so many options sub-$200.

    As always, thanks for spending time making this site an incredible resource for Ukulele players.


  538. Well. very useful video.
    I thing that solid wood ukulele, sounds better than laminated.
    No 1 KALA STG
    No 2 CORDOBA 20 TM

  539. So many interesting personalities here! I was immediately grabbed by both the full warm tone and rippling grain on the Kala TEM. The beefier neck on the Gretch sounds intriguing too in addition to its sweet tone and old fashionedness. But, wait the Kala Spruce top!! Such a clean, lovely sounding instrument… and the walnut… cut me off!!… 🙂

  540. I have the Gretsch 9120 (my first uke) very warm sound and great projection, also my uke instructor is very impressed with it. After listening to the sound samples, the Cordoba would be my next choice. The solid top make a difference, but all sound great.,

  541. While not quite the same as being able to hold and play a uke before making the purchase decision, your videos are the next best thing! I especially appreciate the newer comparison videos (and Corey’s playing!).

    Of the tenors played here, I really liked the sound of the Kala KA-STG (#1) and the Islander (#2).

  542. … @ under $200, all models in this review represent incredible value … difficult choice but, send me the Islander MT-4 … thanks!

  543. Love the high quality sound, steady beautiful playing, and clean editing to help remote shoppers judge instruments. I lean toward Kala STG because of the solid and bright spruce top. Or the Cordoba. Want to get my hands on both to judge in person.

  544. i love the islander.. the kala spruce top and the gretsch come in in a close second.. but all of them sound good. 🙂

  545. Love the Kala’s, but I have a Cordoba guitar (GK Studio) and I think they make the best instruments for the least money. I’d take the Cordoba. Thanks.

  546. Great demonstration video, so helpful. It’s a hard choice, but I’d probably choose the Kala STG (as my first option) or the Gretsch 9120 (second option).

  547. Great vid!I’m amazed by thequality that is available for so few dollars.I prefered the KalaSTG and the Gretsch,but they all sound good in the hands of such a great player.LOLMyspacebarjustquit!

  548. They all sound great with such a talented performer. I would love to play the Islander to see if my large hands would profit from 1/32″ more between strings.

  549. Fender Hau’oli sounds really good to me and the unique headstock makes it stand out among the others. Wanna liked the Gretsch 9120, if they could only make a thinner neck!

  550. I have the Islander MT-4, it’s awesome! it has a nice rich tone. I liked it so much I bought the MSS-4. it is a gorgeous little uke!

  551. Beautiful instruments, wonderful sounds, fine craftsmanship, reasonable pricing, choices to please every taste. What more could you want?

  552. I like the resonating sound of the Gretsch very much. The ringing after each note is so pretty! Unfortunately I have tiny hands, and probably will find the “meatier” neck a challenge.

  553. There is no such thing as a bad Uke – however, some Uke buyng experiences are better than others.
    Last year I bought a Luna Uke Fom Hawaii Music Supply based partly on videos like this one. HMS is a comfortable place to buy – even from the mainland!

    By the way, the Luna is a favorite of my wife. It is a mellifluous instrument that never fails to soothe jangled nerves.

  554. Great comparison. Had trouble hearing differences with laptop speakers but a pair of high end headphones helped. Have a Gretsch from HMS and enjoyed hearing it from “out front”. Pleased that it held its own in comparison with the others. Expected a little more difference between laminate and solid tops but think I caught a little improvement. Have a Kala baritone, also from HMS, and interested in whether its fuller sound is more from size, lower tuning or all solid construction . . . probably all. I’d pick the Kala STG to get a better feel for the difference spruce makes; although, comparison with my solid mahogany baritone might be more meaningful than with the laminate mahogany tenor . . . certainly not one to one.

    Although it’s probably difficult, it would be wonderful to be able to pick any two instruments and have a tight, looped playback of just those two for a super comparison. If this included instrument choices from different price ranges as well, it would provide a wonderful education and might tempt some to move up a step.

  555. I like the Kala TEM the best. It looks really nice and has the crisp notes. Some of the other ukes were too warm and didn’t have as good note seperation

  556. He makes them all sound sweet.. My ears vote for the Gretsch, my eyes vote for the Luna. I’d let my ears win…

  557. Each of these instruments are quite lovely. If I had to choose my favorite is the Kala. Just delightful.

  558. Mahalo for sharing the different videos. For the price, I believe they pretty much sound alike. The Kala PWT sounds good, but I must say that The Islander would be my choice.

  559. Really nice review!!!
    My favorites: Luna TT, Kala TEM, Kala PWT and Gretsch 9120.
    Based on beaty, I’d take the Luna TT

  560. I think I like the sound of the Gretsch, Luna TT, and Kala STG the best. Bigger, mellower sound, which I prefer.

  561. The overall quality of these Ukes is impressive. It is quite a tribute to the dedication to quality of Hawaii Music Supply buyers and staff who prep these instruments for sale. Kudo’s also to Corey. He has a nice way of spotting what a particular uke does best and emphasizing it.
    I have seen several Lunas “in the flesh.” Their look is always carefully crafted and several models sound quite nice.
    The Gretsch played here has a certain ethos of depth of tone that one does not usually find in an inexpensive instrument.
    I find I always pick up my ears when I hear a Fender. They have an easily and immediately likable sound.
    The spruce top Kala must be one of the best sounding less expensive ukes they have come up with in many years.
    The Islander is my favorite, but then I have owned one and happily played it and performed with it. My ears say it has even better sustain than the Gretsch.
    The Walnut grain of the Kala here is stunningly handsome!

  562. The Kala TG has a great sound and look. The edging sets off its appearance. I know Kala instruments to be consistently good. I own a Kala concert series which I love.
    The Cordoba is a good buy with its solid mahogany top – I always prefer to buy solid top instruments so they increasingly sound better over time.
    In these instruments I thought the sound of the Gretsch 9120 was superior. It has a deeper rich sound that caught my ear as I listened without looking at the instruments. All the others had a more similar tone but this one captured my attention. Its a great looking instrument too.
    Its hard to think of not buying a Kala again but this Gretsch had an outstanding tone that is second to none of these other choices.

  563. Some really good playing in this video. I like a mellow uke sound. My two favorites are the Islander and the Cordoba.

  564. It was very hard to pick favorites from this video as each uke sounded great! I would have to say my favorite was the Cordoba (which I actually own, so seeing a comparison of many fines ukes where it won made me quite happy)! However, excluding the Cordoba, my next choice would probably be the Kala ST. The notes sounded very rich and warm, which would serve a whole different use from the brighter Cordoba. Honorable mentions go out to the Luna TT, Kala TEM, and Gretsch 9120.

  565. The Luna was my favorite one. The poly tribal on the face of the uke is a very nice touch. It has a very nice tone to it.

  566. Great comparison video. I think I’m partial to the spruce top Kala and the Islander, but I’ve only watched the video twice.

    I can’t help but read “HMS Listening Booth” as the name of a ship.

  567. I will probably be beat up for this but I’m not a fan of the Kala ukes. It’s something about the neck that makes them feel cheep to me. Also I own two Cordobas and they sound great but I think that just by my ear and the fact that it has a a thicker, deeper neck I would bet the Gretsch out of this lineup.

  568. I like the Cordoba and the Kala ST. I like to smooth but loud sound from them with out sounding like a guitar. It does make a difference that I own two Cordoba’s but I would choose it even if I did not own one. The other ones were great but these two stood out in my mind.

  569. Talk about a tough choice! After listening to the loop multiple times (wife thinks I’m even crazier than before), I keep coming back to the Islander, Gretsch, and Cordoba. Have the Islander and just love it, but will eliminate it assuming there’s a bias because I hear it daily. Of the remaining two, have to go with the Cordoba – to me it sounds a little crisper with nice resonance.

  570. All ukes sound great! I like them all! The Cordorda 20TM and Gretch 9120 are my favorite, deeper and warm sound.

  571. Great video! It’s interesting to hear a comparison of the different sounds of the ukuleles. I tend to like a warmer sound and loved the Luna (especially its design), Gretsch, Cordoba and Kala STG.

  572. These all sound really good, and I’m not really a tenor person! These kinds of comparisons can be tricky without being able to play the instruments. For example, both the Gretsch and the Islander sound particularly great, but having played the concert versions I found that I did not like the necks on either of them very much (too thick and too wide, respectively). I would probably lean toward the Cordoba, the Luna (I play a pineapple, which I really like), and the Fender. The Fender particularly surprised me since, in a similar video on this site comparing inexpensive concert ukes, the Fender was the only one that I really didn’t like.

  573. Awesome! Kala tem caught my eye, though they all sound great. My brother in law got me playing several years ago and I tend to play my Ukulele more than my guitars! It has helped my guitar playing! I should be so lucky to be one of the nine, thanks!!! =)

  574. All the ukuleles sounded really nice; of course, a lot of credit goes to the musician. I like the brighter sounds of the Kala TEM and Kala STG. My son has the Islander MT-4 and it not only looks nice but is also has a beautiful sound. In terms of appearance, the Kala TEM glows.

  575. Among the laminates, the Luna TT and Gretsch 9120 are still way ahead of the rest in term of sound. I don’t know why, maybe there’s a slight bias since I own a soprano Luna and covetted a soprano Gretsch…but seriously, I would’ve thought that the Islander MT-4 would sound much better because of its affiliation with Kanile’a. :-/

    The solid tops definitely sound ahead of the rest, but IMO, Luna still gives Cordoba a run for its money. However, the Kala STG is the most impressive of the lot. It looks good, sounds good and is affordable.

    If I had to narrow this list down, it would be the Luna vs. Gretsch vs. Kala. Gretsch for its traditional look, Luna for how it sounds despite the unconventional laser etching, Kala because hey, SOLID TOP! and super affordable comparatively. 🙂

  576. I was surprised how good they all sounded. As the owner of a Cordoba, I enjoy the full sound but found myself attracted to the punchiness of the Kala STG.

  577. Hands down the Kala TEM. Not only does it look gorgeous, it’s humidity resistant being all laminate and has the brighter crisper sound we love when playing hawaiian songs!

  578. I liked the tone of the Gretsch the best, there was just a little more rich mellowness to it, but all of the ukes sounded great. The Kala TEM and PWT are beautiful, as is the detail of the Luna TT.

  579. The Fender Hau’oli is a sweet Ukelele. It has a great look and it has a sharp and crisp sound – gotta get one of these!

  580. Very nice comparison of popular tenors. The songs were played consistently between the ukuleles. They all have their own special sound and looks, and I would be happy to own any one of them! I already own a Cordoba and Kala (tenors) and would like like to add either the Luna or Gretsch.

  581. I think the player makes all these ukes sound amazing! If only I could play like him! 😛 Even though the Islanders aren’t flashy, I really am partial to their sound. If I was going for looks, the Kala ST is very striking with the contrasting colors. But in the end…they’re all a value for being under $200.

  582. Great review, it becomes clear that in this price range you can buy allaround tenor that sounds worthy.
    My own favourites is Kala TG and Kala PWT for the very nice look and warm sound.
    Gretsch has the best sound for me (deep and warm) also i owe other instruments from roots collection (Bajno and Squareneck dobro), so thats my choise for the winner (maybe for personal use i just change strings from aquila to worth).

  583. Great sound in all of them! I would prefer the Kala STG though. It has a really good sound, and a beautiful design as well.

  584. I really was impressed by how great they all sounded but was especially impressed by three of the 9 – the Gretsch, the Cordoba and the Kala with the solid neck. All of them seemed to sing the most but really the lesson learned from the video was there is no bad choice to make.


  585. Love the warm sound of the Cordoba. Although, any one of these beauties would feel great in my hands and be my sanctuary.

  586. I keep listening to the video and trying to pick out the sound that appeals to me most. I would have to say that the Gretsch 9120 has the richest sound in my opinion. The sounds are clear and it’s very bright. Kala TG also has one of the calmest sounds which wasn’t as appealing to me as the Gretsch 9120, but it’s much more expressive. (poor explanation here but I guess these two ukuleles are really awesome)

  587. It was hard for me to tell the difference between the nine ukuleles. If I were to close my eyes I doubt that I could. They all sounded fantastic to me. I have a Fender ukulele and it’s the most comfortable uke to play that I own, believe it or not. They all sound great to me.

  588. I listened to all of the tenors with eyes open and closed. Open to see the beautiful craftsmanship! Closed to hear their individual voices better! I found it interesting that all of the Kala instruments made me open my eyes to see which ones they were since they all had a distinctive voice but and Island ‘accent’ 🙂 I think out of all of the instruments, I found the Luna TT had the most warm relaxing sound. Have found over the years, that you can’t play just one!!!!! ♫ ♪ ♫ Thanks for the listen!

  589. I prefer the luna TT, it’s lovely, the dessin and the sound is beautiful. I don’t have a tenor ukulele, but when i have enough money i will buy one.

  590. They all sound pretty nice for the price! However, my favorite was the Kala STG. I like the bright sound the spruce provides.

  591. They all sound awesome!!!
    And Corey makes them sound sooooooo wonderful as he always does!!!
    Good job 🙂
    Really don’t know which one to choose even after listening to this clip for more than 50 times…
    It’s gonna be a really tough decision just one from 9 :p

  592. They all sound awesome!!!
    And Corey makes them sound sooooooo wonderful as he always does!!!
    Good job 🙂
    Really don’t know which one to choose even after listening to this clip for more than 50 times…
    It’s gonna be a really tough decision just to choose one from 9 :p

  593. I like the design and sound of the Luna, but I think I would prefer playing the Gretsch. My hands are larger than most and the fat neck would be more comfortable for me. They are all awesome at under $200 though!

  594. They all sound good for the price. My choice was between the Gretch and the Islander. Hard choice both sounded great. Have to gp with the Gretch because of the easier to play neck.

  595. Hard to chose between the Gretch and the Islander. All sound so good for a great price. I must go with the Gretch because of the easier to play neck.

  596. All great sounding ukes! Makes me wish I could play that good, but working on it. I like the Islander MT-4. Has a nice deep full sound for such a small instrument.

  597. New to playing Ukelele’s so I am probably not the best judge, but I enjoyed listening to all of the immensely. The Luna and Cordoba seemed to offer nice warm tones, the Kala PWT seemed to have a nice warm tone while being more pleasingly muted. The Gretsch was a warm, yet striking tone all at the same time and has a nice look overall. The Kala TG seemed to sound crispest/sharpest out of them all. They all sounded fantastic to me though. Nice video.

  598. Nice review of the ukuleles. I was about to buy a Kala TEM but ended up spending a little for a solid mahog. light. As always good playing Corey.

  599. Wow, they all sound great!! Maybe my ear just isn’t good enough, but I’m having a hard time telling them apart.

  600. I had to listen to the video several times to come to a decision. All the Ukes sounded great, but in the end I narrowed it down to the Gretsch 9120 and the Kala STG. Very difficult decision between these two for me. Finally, I think the Kala STG would be the one with the sound that works best for me. This was a surprise. I have a Cordoba concert and love the instrument, but in this contest, I like the Kala STG the best.

  601. Like I some other reviewers, I was surprised by how much alike they all sound. They seem to be arranged in roughly “warm to bright” order although the differences are very subtle tonewise. If I win, I would probably choose the Islander just because I haven’t tried a 1.5″ nut.

  602. They all sound quite good, but the Luna TT and Islander MT-4 seem to stand out. The Luna has a unique, almost buttery tone, and the Islander seems the most balanced. For whatever reason, the Kala ST sounded dull by comparison – maybe the wrong strings for a solid spruce top? Seemed like there wasn’t enough oomph in the strings to make the spruce ring.
    The Kala TG sounded thin – maybe I just don’t like the sound of Kalas that much (although I own two Kala concerts that like). The Gtretsch has a nice warm sound, as does the Cordoba. The Fender was a bit of a surprise, sounding better than I would have guessed beforehand. The Kala PWT has a unique sound, quite nice, but different.

  603. That KAla walnut is one of the best sounding laminate ukes I’ve played. Fine looking too.

  604. I have been obsessed with Ukuleles for years now. I have purchased many now. From 50 dollars to 400 dollars. I have found that the “set up” by the Hawaii Music Supply in combination of these ukuleles in the100 to 200 dollar range is extremely important. They sound AMAZING, and are much much more friendly to play than the ones I have purchased at my local shops here in CA, and NY . I look forward to adding more variety of these great affordable instruments to my collection. I will be purchasing them strictly through HMS from now on. They are professional, and there video demonstrations of each ukulele are right on. Save yourself time, purchase one of these instruments through HMS, and you will be very happy. I also bought one for my daughter ( age 7), and she loves it!!!!!! Although we are beginners, we have so much fun with our Ukuleles. We watch, and learn off of U-Tube the songs we want to play. I have played around with all these great ukuleles. If your not sure which brand to pick, I would start with Kala TEM. It will last for generations if you follow the care for instructions. Mahalo to HMS for such great customer service!!!! Aloha from Cali 😉

  605. All of these ukes like beautiful and affordable tenors, and I sure as hell would love to have one. Both the Kala TEM and STG look gorgeous!

  606. I love these comparison videos, it is how I selected my Cordoba concert ukulele. The Kala’s all sounded amazing, especially the PWT, though I love the look of the TEM. I also like the Cordoba, it has a nice full, rich sound. But all the tenors sounded great, I’m guessing because they are wonderful instruments and but mostly because of the artist.

  607. First of all, they all sound great when played by such a great player. Overall, I felt the Gretsch 9120 and Kala TG had the most crisp & brighter sounds. Maybe it’s the strings that are on them but I thought they stood out as a hair above the others in quality. You really can’t go wrong with any of these ukes and it would probably be up to your own preference.

  608. Hey HMS! love the site, i check it daily. Best in looks I favor the Luna. As in tone my vote is for the Gretsch, deep tone with a nice range but of course Corey makes any uke sound amazing 🙂

  609. I would go for Kala TEM as it has the balance of good sound and look, of course others also are really good. Luna TT has the nicest design but not as good sounding as Kala TEM.

  610. Two outstanding the Luna and Gretsch!!Reminds me or the mountain ranges of Wahiawa!!!! Little price for such big sounding tenors!! Thanks for the great sound review!!

  611. The Islander MT-4 and Cordoba 20 TM look and sound good, as does the Kala TEM, but my favorite is the Kala STG. The solid spruce with the gloss natural finish is beautiful and the tone is deep and and loud. This the one for me.

  612. Loved the clear bell tones of the Kala STG and the warmth mellowness of the Cordoba. I guess that’s why we all need more than one uke in the house 🙂

  613. The Kala TEM is really pretty! I like its looks the most, it looks like a more expensive model. However, sound is always more important to me, and the uke that sounded best to me was that Islander.

  614. They all sounded surprisingly good for laminate models, with some slightly brighter, and some a little more mellow sounding within a narrow range differential. The one I liked best was the Islander MT-4.

  615. I have a Gretsch 9120, which I really like. But the Kala STG would be a great complement, when I wanted a brighter sound.

  616. To my ear, the solid tops of the Cordoba 20TM and Kala STG place them above the other ukes on the list. If I were forced to choose one, I would pick the Kala with spruce and a great tone.

    1. Definitely can’t go wrong with the Luna TT with the Polynesian design! Also like the sounds of the Gretsch 9120 and Kala TG. Can’t believe they are all under $200.

  617. I have played on Kala Ukuleles before and I love how they play. The Cordoba ukulele has a very nice sound. I’d love to get the chance to try it!

  618. You have an excellent selection. I would have to say that the Gretsch and the Fender are my favorites.

  619. I’m impressed the most by a couple of the Kalas — the PWT and the ST. To my ear, these have great clarity and a nice balance of treble/bass, with the ST being the brighter of the two. I have a Kala acacia tenor and like it very much, so I have some confidence in Kala instruments.

  620. my favortie would have to be the fender, only because im a fender owner and im a big fan of the headstock

  621. I love the wide neck on the Gretsch. You can’t go wrong with any of them as these guys really make them sing before they ship em’ to you. They really stand behind their product.

  622. They all sound wonderful, especially the Kala’s, but I was surpised that I actually really love the sound of the Islander. Soft, sweet, melodic. My family has a Cordoba though which we love!

  623. I love the sound on KALA and the craftsmanship , I own a few of them and they are all great. They give off a clear bright tone. But after viewing the video, KALA PWT and KALA STG caught my attention, a deeper tone than what I own, and I really love the sound of it.

  624. All these Ukes sound and look great for being under $200…I, myself, am a Kanile’a man so I have to go with the Islander MT-4 as my favourite.

  625. A lot of great ukuleles right there. I really like the sound of Kala STG and Islander MT-4. But in the end, I would choose Kala TEM, really beautiful sound”

  626. Love the LUNA. Looks and sounds great!!! Makes me feel I have my toes in warm water while playing the soft sounds of the islands.

  627. The Gretsch seems resonant to me. The Kala has a bright sound. Luna TT is mellow. Fender seems a good combo of resonant and bright.Kala St has a very clear tone. All are a little tough to tell on this little laptop. I am enthralled with them all. Alice P.

  628. I have always been a Kala fan and their entry level ukes can’t be beat. Remember each one of these ukes has something unique to bring to the customer. After listening to Corey play, you will hear and see what features appeal to you. Listen to them all, pick out the one that sings to you and go from there. I enjoyed them all, and with a great set up from HMS, you can’t go wrong with any one of these ukes. Take a chance, learn to play, how can you listen to a ukulele and not smile!

  629. What beautiful playing. Although they all seem like beautiful ukes the two that stand out to me were the Gretsch (what a sweet sound) and the Kala STG (full sound- looks quality).

  630. The Kala’s have clearly a better sound than any of the other ones !
    This brand do very good ukes, especially on this range price. You can’t get better quality for this price.
    The Luna and the Fender are two other brand that I can easily recommend for the price, and the correct sound.
    The islander seems ok, like a Luna type uke.
    As for the Gretsh and the Cordoba…humpf…

  631. What a difficult choice. These are all lovely instruments, and I would be happy playing any of them. The Kala STG had a gorgeous tone. I’ll go with that one.

  632. I’m clearly in the minority here, but I don’t find that Kalas hold up well in these types of comparison videos. While they sound pleasant enough, to my ears they lack personality, which the other ukes have in spades. Admittedly, the STG has a crisp, bright tone, as it should since it is only one of 2 entries with a solid wood top. Perhaps if I played a Kala, I would “get” them a little better, but visually and tonally, I find them to be a little generic.

  633. My mom is always playing the Ukulele and I love the sound. I think it’s time for me to get my own Ukulele to start practice. I’d take the Fender Hau’oli, I just fell in love 🙂

  634. The Luna TT seemed to have the brightest tone and more of a pop, but I love the look of the Kala TEM. I have a Pono Solid Koa tenor that was set up by Hawaii music supply that I absolutely love.

  635. Given that all of these ukes are equipped with Aquila strings (which renders most ukes pretty generic-sounding), I was surprised at the difference in tone that made several of these stand out. Most notable to my ear was the tone of the Kala STG – not too surprising being a solid-top model. I also liked the sustain that came from the Islander MT-4.
    I found that the Fender was a little too bright for my taste, but it sure seemed louder than most.
    Love the looks of the Gretsch (I used to own the solid mahogany version) as well as the Luna Tattoo.
    Other than that, there didn’t seem to be too much that distinguished the other ukes (soundwise). It would be interesting to hear the differences if each uke were strung with fluorocarbon strings.

  636. new to playing the ukulele so only can comment on playing a kala and they sound on point. happy to win any of these actually

  637. I liked the Islander – love the Kanilea sound! I was surprised that I liked the sound of the Kala STG. Nice assortment of ‘ukulele!

  638. I ran through the entire demonstration several times using it as background music while I worked. I would pop back over to the video when I heard a tone that I thought was a bit richer and I found that the same three ukes kept popping up: The Gretsch 9120, Cordoba 20TM, & Kala ST.

    The Gretsch and the Cordoba a have similar qualities to my ear. The notes are full and rounded sounding and linger in the air a bit after the string has been struck. The Kala is perhaps a bit ‘sharper’ with a bit less resonance, but still a fine full sounding instrument.

    I am a bit concerned about the width of the neck on the Gretsch and I would need to get some measurements or see a comparative side/profile view along with a few other instruments to decide if a wider neck would work for me or if I would be better off going with something a bit narrower.

  639. Never heard of Gretsch before, but liked the nice full sound. Probably wouldn’t like the wider neck as I have enough trouble holding chords on a regular neck. The Fender and Kala PWT and STG sounded the nicest to me, but they all have nice sound, beautiful looks. If only I could make them sound like that.

  640. How nice they all sound in a masters hand…but after several listens, I prefer the Islander and Cordoba. I’m also amazed at the richer sound that comes from a tenor vs. a concert. Might have to add one to my Christmas wish list 🙂

  641. I have been playing ukelele for a couple years. I have an old hand-me-down soprano and I’ve been looking to get a tenor for a while now. I love their fuller sound. I was surprised by how nice the Fender sounded. As a guitar player as well, I really like the idea of the meatier neck on the Gretsch. I feel like it would be a lot easier to play than my soprano for sure. I love the Koa on the Kala TEM as well. It would be a tough choice, but really, I would love to own any of these beautiful instruments.

  642. They all sounded great, but of course, it could be the the person playing them. I wish I could play like that. Do like the looks of the Kalas, especially the TG and PWT. Between my wife and kids, our family has two concerts and one soprano, but no tenor…..yet.

  643. Trying again to have my comments accepted by the system.This one submitted from my wife who no doubt is tired to the back teeth of hearing her husband attempt to strum out a song on his inadequate uke in an attempt to preserve his sanity while driving her mad.Yes it would be wonderful to win one of those beautiful instruments that you are kindly giving away.That of course would not help my 78 year old brain to immediately become expert like your people are . In the meantime i will keep trying.
    Regards Richard and Jill

  644. For less than $200 they’re all gems! However, like many other commenters have mentioned, I am partial to KALA. You gotta love those solid tops.

  645. Hard to choose a best. I liked the Kala TEM, Gretsch, and Kala STG. Those three I think sounded best to my ear. The thick neck of the Gretsch is interesting having older hands that are a bit stiff at times.

  646. I like the luna TT and the Kala brand ukulele.Fron what i’ve seen and heard they look sturdy and good quality and most of all they sound amazing.

  647. I like the luna TT and the Kala brand ukulele.From what i’ve seen and heard they look sturdy and good quality and most of all they sound really good.

  648. I have been playing an acoustic guitar for the past 6years and when I first saw a video playing ukulele , I got interested for some reason maybe it’s beacause I really really enjoy playing instrument and singing at the same time especially when sitting next to my girlfriend awww 🙂 Anyway The Luna TT sound’s good and design is amazing . The Kala ukulele brand is the one that caught my attention because of the sound’s sooo good to my ears and the look’s is amazing as well. I just wish I have one of those someday so that I could play a long and sing while sitting next to my girlfriend yayyyy 🙂 Thank you for the demo’s all of them are beautiful instruments and you make them all sound so good Thank you…

  649. All of them sound great in the hands of a master! Among the 9 ukes, I like the sound of the Cordoba and Kala STG.

  650. Hey,
    They all sound good but for me the Luna edged it with the Kanile’a Islander a close second.
    I would probably go for the Islander as I personally prefer the wider neck, or maybe the Luna could persuade me to try a thinner neck.

  651. I love the look and sound of the luna tt! I own a luna concert (purchased from this site) and love it!

  652. the gretsch 9120 sounds best to me. it has a warm and full sound somehow. but the kala TEM is good too. they all have there special something and corey is playing awesome as always!

  653. The Kala TEM has the sweetest sounds, like a lullaby, but for a tenor, the Cordoba 20TM is the classic sound I’d be going for.

  654. I just came across an Islander my friend owns. Wow that was so much fun to play. Very sharp distinct notes (sometimes my fingers fumble..and even then intuitively the ‘right’ notes came thru) The tenor makes such a rich loud sound. Now I cannot make up my mine. I love the Lunas.. owned a couple of Kalas.. I bet with any of these you will definitely get your money’s worth.

  655. Wow, impressed by the purity of the tone of all the ukes–kept waiting for one to not compare with the others, but that did not happen. I’m sure the talent of the player contributed to the consistency of the sound. I have the Kala tenor travel uke which is fun to play but does not compare to the sounds of these Kala’s which I think take the top prize out of the nine.

  656. I’m torn between the sound of the Gretsch and the looks of the Islander! I think I’m leaning toward the Islander. (Sorry if I posted twice; had some trouble posting earlier. In the meantime I changed my mind! It’s a tough call with such nice ‘ukes.)

  657. I love the look of the Luna TT, I actually “tattooed” my Tenor Uke myself, and it looks awesome! I love that drawn on look.

  658. I am between the Gretsch and the Luna. Although the Fender’s headstock looks sweet. Not sure if I will like Gretsch’s fat neck though – guess I would go with the Luna Tattoo if I win! (Fingers crossed.)

    I never win anything.

  659. Well, I listened to all of the samples three times. They all sound pretty god to me, but, the Fender sounded the richest in my opinion. The Kalas all sounded pretty good to me as well. I have only been playing the ukulele for a few months, and, my choices has to be an instrument that feels the best to me. It has to feel good in my hands and be easy for me to fret, etc. I’m a guitar player, so the narrow necks aren’t that comfortable to me. I myself own a Kala ASAC-T which I find really pleasing in all categories. I chose my Kala after playing a lot of ukes and a lot of deliberation. So I really like the sound of the Fender the best, but I really don’t like the signature Fender head on a ukulele. But it does
    look like it would the most comfortable and fun to play, and the body is very beautiful. My second choice would be the Kala STG because of the sound and physical beauty, and the Kala TG third.

  660. If the harps of heaven can be replaced with any one of these ukuleles, it HAS to be the Kala PWT. If you can just close your eyes and listen to how clear those sounds resonate in your ears, you can imagine yourself in a Hawaiian paradise. I’ve watched many reviews here and this Kala PWT, is thee one that tops the list. Kala ukuleles are great and they do look into the details of designs and the sounds they make. I would love to play this ukulele and I do believe that anyone who does have one in a current or new collection will not regret having this.

  661. Amazing that so many ukes under $200 could sound so good. Tremendously hard to pick the best, but the Islander and the spruce top Kala are certainly up there.

  662. The Islander was the first tenor that I bought and I am always happy with the full sound that it has. I’d really like a Kala as my next uke, I especially like the Kala TG

  663. I really like the tone of the Fender Hau’oliLuna TT, Gretsch 9120 and the Islander MT-4. The tones of these seemed warmer and a bit more resonant. The design on the Luna TT is also pretty amazing. The Kala TEM had a more piercing tone in my opinion where the Kala ST has really beautiful contrasting colours and a smoother tone.

  664. I watched the video a couple of times and then listened to the video a few times with my eyes closed.
    First of all, respect to your uke performer for making it incredibly difficult to notice any differences between them.
    That said, now my opinion.
    Though they all have certain minor strengths and weaknesses, I was listening for what I would call a fuller or richer overall tonal quality. My ears went with the two solid wood tops, the Cordoba 20TM and just behind that, the Kala STG. The close third for me was the Luna TT.
    All in all, just judging from the video with no personal handling experience, I would be happy to give any of them a try.
    Thank you for the opportunity to easily compare instruments and maybe the chance to try one.

  665. All of the ukuleles sounded PERFECT because the musician that was playing them was SUPERB.
    I think my favorite was the Islander.
    Or the Gretch.

  666. I’ve tried a bunch of Kalas and Lunas… haven’t had the chance to try Gretsch, Cordoba, Islander and Fender. The one that I favored the most as far as sound goes was the Gretsch and Fender, which was surprising as these brands do not get a lot of recognition. Thanks for this awesomely made comparison video, it really helps in picking the best possible uke for the buck!

  667. I want the KALA STG the design is soo cool like an acoustic guitar and the sound is sooo beautiful….hope i win :<

  668. I love the luna TT, it is my only Uke and is a favourite friend. HMS set it up and delivered it to Australia for me with no worries at all so thanks guys and a great review.

  669. I’ve had a Kala KA-CG concert uke with a Kala tweed case, plus a Kala California Ubass and I was a previous owner of a hollow body Ubass and I can tell you thaat, for the money, I don’t think you can find better instruments than Kala makes. I’m a real fan.

  670. I really love the sound of the Islander – especially for the money. I just wish the neck wasn’t so wide!

  671. Love the sound on all of them. After hearing through a number of times, the Cordoba 20TM stands out of the lot.
    The sound is rich & clear.Pick me, pick me i hear out loud.

  672. Man, listening through an external sound card with a pair of Sennheiser really brings out the tone. Love the rich sound Gretsch, although Luna TT is a real eye-candy

  673. I love the Kala TEM and PTW, Islander is good too. They are amazing. Luna TT sounds so smooth. Thanks for the video!

  674. After listening to the video a couple of times the Cordova has a sound that I like the best. The Kala would be my #2.

    Thank you.

  675. This review was fantastic for me when I first started looking at Ukuleles. It was at the right price point and offered a great variety and an opportunity to hear them all remotely. I ultimately decided on the Kala – STG and have never been sorry that I did. It is a great looking and great sounding Uke.

  676. All are wonderful! I have a baritone, concert and soprano. Now I need a tenor and I would love any of these, although I’m favoring the Cordoba, Islander or the Fender! Beautiful playing and demonstration!

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