The Birth of Bettah
This is a striking and unique masterpiece from Moore Bettah custom builder Chuck Moore. It’s a depiction of the Island as young Charles experienced it when he first washed up on shore many years ago. The mountains were flowing with lava and foreigners were commonly given to the tiki gods. Luckily, Chuck knew how to make a coconut ukulele which the natives proclaimed as “Moore Bettah!”. And that’s how it began. Or so goes the legend. But just to clarify, I asked Mr Moore about his exact inspiration. He replies,
This is a striking and unique masterpiece from Moore Bettah custom builder Chuck Moore. It’s a depiction of the Island as young Charles experienced it when he first washed up on shore many years ago. The mountains were flowing with lava and foreigners were commonly given to the tiki gods. Luckily, Chuck knew how to make a coconut ukulele which the natives proclaimed as “Moore Bettah!”. And that’s how it began. Or so goes the legend. But just to clarify, I asked Mr Moore about his exact inspiration. He replies,

I really wished I lived in Hawaii in the 50’s when Donn the Beachcomber had his bar where the International marketplace was. BTW, if it weren’t for this man Waikiki would be full of high rise office buildings…..I’ll bet you didn’t know that there is an official Don the Beachcomber day in Hawaii. He was awarded that by the state of Hawaii for all the work he did in Waikiki. Sadly, much of his legacy is gone today. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves.
He also sites Arthur Lyman recordings and tiki art and culture as influences for this one of a kind tenor. More than anything, I’m impressed with the sound and the feel. Just absolutely perfect in my opinion. I’d say Chuck Moore is the Mick Jagger of Ukulele builders. The LeBron James of inlay. I could go on but it’s past my bedtime. Summing up the review, this uke rules.
It’s not surprising, but still exciting to see such a great instrument. Chuck seems to be an open faucet of creativity. It’s a beautiful gift and our pleasure to show you the finest. Galleries open for more pics. Enjoy!
Aloha friends. A hui ho!
Comments 9
Awesome looking tenor, and couldn’t imagine a uke sounding any better!
Thanks for video and pics. Always enjoy Corey’s performances.
Thanks Hodge.
Corey just earned major respect from me for playing John Mayer on this beautiful instrument.
Chuck is at his finest now with his tone and craftsmanship, I would love to own this ukulele Andrew….and you too my friend, have an awesome knack for making these videos and writing, the finest I’ve seen.. Also Corey is just an amazing player and friend…. all three of you amigos are simply amazing …..much aloha, Stan
Thanks Stan! I really appreciate that.
Andrew, is this bad boy available to purchase?
No sold. People waiting every time. Only one Moore though…
Chuck Moore continues to out-do himself. That’s so beautiful. I’m sitting here zooming in to try to see all of the amazing details. I wish I could play like Corey and Aaron, but it’s fun to keep trying to!
Thanks Andrew! It was a pleasure to meet you and all of your crew this year. Aloha!
Thanks Rodney!