Tropical Hawaiian Days (Ka’au Crater Boys)
PDF Sheet Music/ TabsHomepage Video Song @ Our Store
The Ukulele Site
My Little Grass Shack
“The Mystery” Part 1 Tommy Emmanuel -Adapted by Corey
PDF Sheet Music/ Tabs For Parts 1-3“The Mystery” Part 2
“The Mystery” Part 3
“Guava Jam” by Ka’au Crater Boys
The Hawaiian Vamp in Every Key
Aaron teaches Singto
Thailand has an exciting ukulele movement, in part because of artists like Singto. He came down to the North Shore where Kalei lives and we caught some of his new material about to be released. Here is two tutorials from Aaron on his songs. Enjoy!
She’s a Gift To Me
Ukulele, I love You
Sweet Lady of Waiahole
Moloka’i Slide
When You Wish Upon a Star (Jazzed Up!)
PDF Sheet Music/ TabsWhat a Wonderful World Part 1
PDF Sheet Music/ Tabs Part 1 & 2What a Wonderful World Part 2
E Hīhīwai
Lyrics to E Hīhīwai (with translation)Drop Baby Drop- The Mana’o Company
Twinkle Twinkle on Ukulele – Jazz chord Melody
TabsFly Me to the Moon – Jazz Chord Melody – Lyle Ritz Jazz Book
Fly Me to the Moon – Jazz Chord Melody – Lyle Ritz Jazz Book part two
Family Guy Theme Song!
King of the Road
Dakine TabsSurf SOlo
TabsThe Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late)
Aaron has been a big part of our ability to give to the ukulele community free resources and accurate reviews. He’s just a great teacher and he can help you take you playing to the next level. When on island catch a lesson at Aaron’s School, Hawaii Music School. Or…to get personal lessons from the convenience of your home anywhere in the world see Hawaii Music Schools Live Skype Lessons. You can also contact Aaron at The Ukulele Site where he helps people find the right ukulele 5 days a week. Email or call (808)622-8000
Also check out Aaron’s Instructional Video – “My Uke 101- Beginner’s DVD”.
Comments 34
AMAZING how Aaron makes it look so easy But his videos were a big help when I started to play. I would love to have him as an instructor one day.
I’ve only been playing a few months (after buying a Kala from you!), but have absolutely loved these tutorials. Spent years reading tabs for guitar, but since it’s been 10 years or so, watching video tutorials has been so much easier. Thanks for posting these!
The song “The mystery” is an exceptional song by Tommy on the guitar especially the live version. Then I saw this rendition of the song by Corey Fujimoto. I guess for me th hardest thing about this song is to maintain the constant repetitive fingerpicking at the start and not mess up. I guess the way to go is practice practice practice!
I have been following this site for the last few years and I am hooked on the uke. Thanks for the wonderful reviews and transcriptions.
Aaron’s “Family Guy Theme” tutorial is a great lesson! I love the way he teaches by breaking it down into sections. It was also cool to hear how good the Pono Mango solid body sounds. Wow! It really is something special.
Even though I have never met him, Aaron is one of the primary reasons I am hooked on Ukulele. On a trip to Hawaii I picked up a cheap uke intended to be used as decoration. When I got home I searched ukuleles on the web just out of curiosity and came across Aaron’s tutorials. Something clicked and I was hooked. Fast forward many years and I have acquired a couple of nice ukuleles and play just about every day. Thanks Aaron!
I love Aaron!!! These lessons have taught me so much. I had the pleasure of visiting your shop last year and everyone was so wonderful. This revamp site looks great!
I would love to see more baritone tutorials but I’ve been able to apply a lot of the techniques regardless. Aaron has a way of explaining things that works for me. Thank you Aaron
Thanks Angela. I forgot to do the baritone page for this new site but I will. Not many videos but some. Hope to do more soon. Mahalo
Aaron, I really like your tutorials. Keep them coming. It’s getting closer to Christmas. Mohalo
I purchased my Kala KA-SRT-CTG-E based on Aaron’s review. His description of the ukulele and his sound demo helped me make a great selection. The setup and shipping was also of the highest quality. Don’t be afraid to buy on-line. The Ukulele Site will not disappoint you!
What a wonderful teacher! And free! Another great reason to recommend The Ukulele Site to all those interested in anything Uke!
super vamp tutorial – I love your easy style of teaching.
That is beautiful. I also met you at the store last year when I was out there visiting my daughter and you are a very nice guy.
I’ve been impressed with the lessons provided by Aaron. Some of his lessons are for the beginner and others are more advanced. As I’ve been progressing through practice, the quality of content is fantastic. Other tutorials and lessons online are not this quality and skill level.
My only complaint is I wish there was more!
Thanks Aaron!
Absolutely love Aaron’s tutorial’s, I’ve been watching and playing Aaron’s tutorial’s for the last 2 years there easy to understand and great fun to play. Thanks so much mate for all the effort that you put in. We are coming to Hawaii next year, look forward to meeting you and thanking you in person.
Aaron is a very good teacher. Lessons are easy to follow and well explained. As was said before hope to see more baritone lessons in the future.
This page is bookmarked, saved, and sent to every uke friend I know. GREAT content! Thanks so much, Aaron!
Thanks for all the great tutorials, music tabs, as well as all the great information that you have provided to the ukulele community on your site. Keep up the fantastic job.
Happy to have bought my first nice ukulele from you guys; just as happy to learn the instrument from you as well.
Big thanks!
Over the years I’ve learned several songs using Aaron’s tutorials. My fiance says that whenever she thinks about me playing my ukulele, the song I play in her mind is always “What a Wonderful World”. Thanks!
Thanks for all of your great video lessons Aaron! Your authenticity and enthusiasm comes through in your videos. Hopefully whenever I make it to Hawaii you’re still teaching and I can book a session. Till then, keep the videos coming!
If you ever need another set of hands to input tabs, feel free to hit me up. Least I could do for free access to all of your posts!
So generous of you all to put these great, comprehensive tutorials. There is an insane amount of material here, enough to keep anyone busy for months.
Aaron is so relaxed with his teaching style and has a good mix of song types. I need to spend time with my uke on the tutorials on this site instead of bouncing to different internet videos for beginners. THANKS Aaron for making it look so easy we aren’t afraid to try ourselves.
Ive been following Aarons reviews for 3 years now..the way he lights up describing the instruments and their attributes is one of a kind..He holds them in a way that is so comfortable i just want to buy all of them.Seeing as i have bought 3 Ponos from HMS I guess he is doing a great jobKeep it up Aaron
Mahalo nui loa
Can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent watching Aaron’s uke reviews on The Ukulele Site, so finding this page just now is like a treasure trove! Instantly bookmarked, because I know I’ll be back to learn from him ASAP.
Really appreciate all the videos, helps to decide what sound I’m looking for. Pono rocks.
Awesome job on these tutorials.
Is the “Hawaii Music School” (HMS) on its own site now? I was poking around for that but didn’t find it. (off to look some more)
This page is probably one of my favorite ones on the ukulele review site! I’ve been playing uke on and off for 5 years and every time I get stuck on something, I come back to this site and find a tune to play and learn. Aaron’s style is super easy to follow. If I had more time, I will sign up for lessons with him. It also helps a lot that the tabs and sheet music is provided.
Hey Aaron, put back your tutorial on “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. It was a great video, I learned it last year, but can’t remember how to play it. Thanks
I’m requesting for you to do a tutorial for the song “Island Style “.
I dig your tutorials. I’m hopeful.
any chance you could share the tab for Sweet Lady of Waiahole?